have always been present among the populace. They are
usually loners by choice for they know on all levels
they are different than others. Most keep their
abilities to themselves. Not that there is anything to
hide from trusted friends and family, it usually stems
from difficulties in communicating to others what they
have seen and understand. Communicating their
understandings and explorations are usually too much for
some and uninteresting for others. The experiences
themselves galvanize the mystic to their work. Work, for
me is a word that keeps this serious "play" from getting
too obsessive. Going out of body or seeing crystal clear
images (Remote Viewing) of environments that are not
part of your daily life can be too emboldening to quit.
Added to the mystics dysfunction, is that any part of
domestic life becomes mundane and predictable, in
Mystics use their abilities in
different ways and for different reasons. In the past,
the words these people could use to describe what they
had seen would have to find its source in the culture of
the day. These past cultures were submersed in nature
and the natural world, body, soul, and mind. In
interpreting the "out of body experience" (OBE) they
could only extract words originating in nature’s
expression. An example would be; if a cycle was
observed, it could be described as a snake swallowing
its tail (the Ouroboros). Try placing yourself there, if
you wanted to describe a cycle, say the cycle of life,
how would you do it? Of course all this in a culture
that had not developed the concept of a wheel. The only
way you could effectively do this is to use metaphors.
It is these metaphors that have been passed down to us.
It is also the metaphors that we focus on and think,
"man they didn’t have a clue". The mystics knew, it was
just a lack of language to describe the impossible. In
this modern day and age we have computers and electrical
devices that alone, expand our language in unimaginable
ways to the ancient mind. This expanded language allows
us to communicate in more descriptive ways, a process
that does not fit into the "norm" natural world. Even
the simplest words like atoms, particle waves,
microwaves, dimensions, black holes, gravity, and so on
represent concepts the ancient mystics could have used
if they were available.

Yet here we are in the
twentieth century and we are still struggling to
understand. The truth is that even the wildest
scientific imagination could not begin to come close to
the truth of "Real Reality". There is nothing in this
modern culture that can come close to the incredible
design of the universe never mind what lies beyond the
physical. When the truth is eventually accepted by the
world, almost all the known understandings and beliefs
will have to be abandoned due to obsoleteness. Every
scientific field will have to be scrapped or redesigned
so much so, that the fields may even be called something
else. It all depends on the time it will take to be
accepted. Typically this would take a few generations to
happen, but before this can take place the mystics have
to inject or seed the human consciousness with the
truth. This is and has always been the role of the
mystic, the one that usually keeps to the background,
like "wallpaper". The mystic is the translator, the
message carrier, the bridge between cultural beliefs and
the true nature of "All That Exists".
The most important aspect the
mystic must preserve is accuracy in interpreting the
information. Accuracy has been the biggest problem
facing a mystic, it is not that mystics are ethically
challenged, it is a matter of understanding with the
limitations of the human mind. Mystics are exposed to
the knowledge and the experiences. To those who
understand the experience, their accuracy is also only
relevant to the "language" they can communicate with
others. Now add to this cultural dogma, beliefs of "ones
self", fears, insecurities, general health, and greed
and power issues. You can take any information and run
it through the above "filters" and you can see there
will always be different translations of the same
It will be
done differently this time!
I have looked at the new
subculture called New Age, and have seen how
half-truths, become complete truths, as time and the
story evolves. A partial truth is seeded, then becomes
the foundation of the next partial truth, then the next
is added, until the pyramid of what is true or not was
lost in the translation. New Age was a stepping-stone in
spirituality and like all stepping-stones you eventually
end up on the other side of the river, but you are still
at the rivers edge.
Science has not faired much
better, for researchers find themselves in struggling to
keep one another from fudging the data or just plain
plagiarism of each others work, all in the name of
financial and political power. The all mighty dollar has
taken science out of the pure, independent, discovery
mode of the past. New instruments have allowed science
to see deeper and further into how wrong their old
outdated theories are. Unfortunately they have painted
themselves into a stifling box corner of maintenance of
these old partial truths. In other words science has
followed the same human pattern that New Age took, only
most in science don’t realize it yet.
Where do creationists and
religions fit into this nonphysical world? Unfortunately
they too have been diverted from their own great mystics
messages. A true religion cannot grow, they cannot
accept new mystics or their messages even from inside
their walls. To religion, mysticism died with the true
and pure of hearts of the past scholars. Today, one
religion sees all entering this world as unpurified, so
how could anyone be expected to be messengers of God,
unless they were high profile members. Even with this
status they are placed into a different category called
sainthood. Sainthood being defined as; follow their
example but don’t change anything! In fact religion in
itself fails to understand the messages that their own
originators brought to this world. Religion by its
nature and rules is bound by the ‘orthodox stand of
stagnation". It is not allowed to evolve so it ceases to
learn more of its own nature, humanity, and beauty. So
why do I come forward with my message if all is lost?
The truth is I know there are thousands of people out
there like me that just want to understand why and how
this reality works. What lies beyond the 5%, our
physical form, we call "I".
Archaeology and interest in the
past, first developed in my high school years. From
there I achieved a federal grant for an archaeological
research project. It was during these times that I
became fascinated with the past and past cultures. From
this interest, I like many others, found out the
ancients had abilities we are still trying to
understand. When developing an interest in the past, one
always ends up asking why and how, with few obtainable
answers. Why were some of the ancient cultures so
advanced and yet they disappeared? Is humanity so
shallow that we cannot retain what we have learned? It
can appear this way for anyone that studies history.
There had to be better answers than what the current
history books and popular researchers were offering. I
needed to find out, but could not turn to current
theories, for these theories all give you the feeling of
being "straws to grasp onto". I ended up deciding that I
was the only one that could find answers to my
questions. I had to do it, not so much by myself, but
for myself. You can always tell when the academics don’t
know the answers. They either avoid the question or they
make up something that is absolutely ridiculous. In fact
the only ones that would believe and propagate this
these ridiculous ideas would be news media, who blindly
follow along by spreading the misconceptions to the
Stonehenge is a perfect example
of a misconception that continues to be taught by the
news media (in conjunction with the "straw grabbers").
The alignments, at these sites, as with most sites
around the earth, are simply to find a directional
position. They were never intended to align to the sun
or star for other reasons. In an age before maps and
compasses the sun was the best way to find direction.
After that was established, the real interesting work
began and the purpose behind it all. It was not to align
with gods, fertility, crop planting or any other
ridiculous theory. The truth is much more profound than
this. Those using only intellect will inevitably fail to
find the answers. I can tell you with complete
conviction that intellect did not create the reason or
purpose for the alignments at ancient site. This purpose
was downloaded to the ancient shamans/mystics in the
past, just as it can be today if you are interested in
learning. There is a reason for alignment but it is not
to gods or stars in the general sense of it. There is no
value in aligning to a star or an imaginary god that
produces no tangible results. Has anyone asked why would
this worldwide need last for a thousand years under such
an undemonstrative experience? There was a good reason
but this book will only give the basics to the
teachings. In fact this was probably the way it was done
thousands of years ago. The real reason is so complex
and "directionally diversified" in its entirety, that
only a preliminary explanation must be given at first.
You cannot learn a complex language without starting
with the basics. There is nothing in our present culture
or science’s knowledge base that can come close to
understanding the design. You first have to learn the
language before you can read the schematics. The
ancients did it this way and it probably took them
thousands of years to accumulate the understandings. I
can shortcut this because the work has already been
done. The knowledge is already a part of the human
physic’s background. It is an illusion to think that
discoveries are done in sequence of one another. Outside
this three-dimensional reality there is no time. So
discoveries are all there in their field of vibration.
Every time a new understanding enters this environment
called the present, it cascades backward and forward in
time. Discoveries can be picked out of the "background"
like fruit off a tree. Sequence of events for
discovering any piece of information is simply a matter
of how long your "ladder" is. If it is short then you
discoveries (the fruit) will be from the lower branches.
With each discovery your vibration in this "field"
increases, and you are adding another rung on the
ladder, this is the only sequence there is. The next
book of this series will show the process and the
benefits, for there is a real benefit to it all. (Or did
you think that many thousands of work hours and tons of
building material was worth aligning to the sun or
celestial object)?
In the current information age,
you can always tell which of the expert’s (each in their
own field), are dictating through intellect and not from
original thought or research. After reading their
material, there is the original "fix", of hearing the
information, it is a short high that always leads to a
long hollow feeling afterward. The translation for this
‘fix" feeling is; your questions are still unanswered. I
realized many years ago that science could not answer
the questions that I had about the ancient sites. They
did not have the tools or training to get to the real
sources, the people in the past that built the sites. I
needed to turn to unorthodox methods, the only answer
was metaphysics. Even in the metaphysical field, after
many years of reading and researching, I noticed a
crippling pattern. The pattern was that most authors
were following the previous one’s path. The perpetual
half-truth pyramid sequence is inevitable if you
continue to research others material prior to doing your
own research. Information is only a "stepping-stone",
for it becomes information by virtue of comparing prior
base knowledge. If knowledge comes from creative
research as a base truth, and is recognized as original
in source creativity, it should be felt alone, to stand
on its own truth. Unfortunately too many recognize the
creative aspect of some knowledge and want to add to it
with their understandings and interpretations. This is
how it all goes astray, intellect is based on what a
person knows, and this is not always in alignment with
true creativeness.
In the beginning of this work I
was reading about 35 books a year. Then I realized
something after seen a pattern in the books. After this
period, I quit purchasing books because there was no
real substance in them. I realized they were all saying
the same thing, only in different ways. I decided to do
something about it, for my strength in the metaphysical
world was getting stronger. As I began my research, it
didn’t take me long to realize that I could find answers
faster than others could, that is if I isolated my
research from their beliefs. It also didn’t take long to
find myself isolated for the others in my life, falling
into the affliction of the "mystic syndrome"! I
continued growing and in doing so found myself
separating in common interests from my friends and
family. It isn’t that I turned to a monastic lifestyle,
it was that we now had little in common, as far as their
interests and mine were concerned.
There is little information in
this book researched from the intellectual viewpoint. As
I have said, I learned a long time ago there is little
new growth in a collection of already known material,
even if it is woven into a new theory. Nonphysical
environments and sources have handed down all
information found in this book, to the extent that I
have also been informed on how long I will be in this
reality (I’m very comfortable with the knowledge). With
this information package I was told that I will be long
gone before this material is generally accepted. There
are a few motivations that push me speak out, first was
the realization that it took me fifty years to acquire
the skills I needed and seven years to gather this
information. The second reason is that I need to seed
the reality before I go. The third and most important
reason was a "pact" I had made to the sources that I
would share the knowledge, if I were allowed to have all
that I could comprehend.
If there is only one person out
there that can benefit from all this work of mine, then
it was worth the two and half years it took me to put it
down in text. All effort on both sides of this reality
must not go to waste. I’m seeking no accolades, power,
or monitory rewards from anyone. I just want this
information available for the next individual that can
use it. I will not discuss the material, nor will I
defend it or debate it, for it is what it is. I have
found that there will always be insecure intellectuals
that will try to debate, but this individual has no
interest, at all. People must understand that this is
not my information, it is knowledge from sources beyond
the physical. I also realize that this information will
have no effect on this present culture. There is no way
this culture can be turned around in the current lives
of this generation. Facing this realization, I must
write this book for the next generation and especially
for the generations after that. The new generations will
challenge the "old order" and they will dissolve most of
the present known ideas in science and cultural beliefs.
This book is dedicated to the
next two generations. It is not realistically aimed at
this present generation. In this book, the language will
be simple and in very small increments of understanding.
I know what it was like to be young, bright, and have
nowhere to turn for answers.
To gather the information in
these books I have traveled to the very edge of this
universe and to some of the highest vibratory levels
possible, that is in the context of what the human mind
is capable of translating. I’m not the first to explore
the higher vibratory states. Many in the past have, and
records of their journeys are recorded in text. Arjuna
journeyed into these realms and the book called "The
Bhagavad-Gita" was created to show others what was
possible. Most mystics, many, who are alive today,
prefer just to remain silent. It is much easier to stay
quiet than to attempt such a feat, and feel that you now
must complete the understanding. I personally feel that
these deeper experiences would not be possible without
"outside help". I truly believe that these higher states
of experience are gifts more than a talent. It is
because of this belief that I feel I need to share the
experiences. Readers will know what parts they need and
what information is usable to them. This information is
extensive and will encompass two books in its current
Presently, the world is full of
partial or inadequate information, mainly because it was
rushed and not thoroughly researched from its roots
before it was released. Unconventional information
should not be injecting into the public’s attention
without being totally researched form its origins. If
the origins are not understood or known, the information
should state this fact. It takes years to acquire the
complete understanding, something most are not willing
to do. Many people today that acquire new information
are so excited to tell others that they fail to see
their role in this information. We need to begin with
the basics first. That is the only way the information
will not get distorted or warped into something else as
it travels from one interpretation to another, the
half-truths that produce more half-truths syndromes. The
information that I have received encompasses completely
new concepts of time, space, DNA, histories of humanity,
spirituality, ancient sites, and much more. Below is a
small sampling of questions that are answered in this
book. I have placed them here under categories for the
convenience of the readers.
The information in our books is
totally unique to this reality, but not to global
consciousness. The mystics of the past all contributed
to the information in one-way or another. Some had small
parts, others had larger parts to play, each creating
their own unique version of the information and handing
it down to the collective human continuousness. It is
the mystics from the "past" that are the true inventors
and discoverers. Be it directly or indirectly in what
has been called the hundred-monkey syndrome. Some are
recognized today as genius, some are inventive, others
are called pure lucky. Whatever phylum you want to place
them in, it is the creative person, the artist that
makes the first discoveries. Every person alive is
capable of this and most do creative work even in their
own personal world, but the creative mind can only be
established by "letting go" to the universe. Each person
depending on their vibration will achieve their own
level of discovery. Each person, past or present, has
his or her particular "direction" to obtain knowledge.
If you decide to read this book I can assure you that
your vibration will be affected. You will rise in
spiritual levels that will, if you "let go"
sufficiently, create new experiential events for
yourself. These new spiritual experiences will create a
higher vibratory state for you to resonate with, if you
accept them as gifts. The more you "accept" and "let
go", the more experiences will come to you. This is your
gift, a gift of validation, to yourself, proving there
is more to this reality then the preverbal "I".
If wondered why I said "our
books", well I do have a partner that has helped me with
all of this over the past five years. She too has
experienced many levels beyond this reality and has full
memory of creative teachings in the period prior to her
life here in physical form. It is this background
knowledge of hers that I myself use as a filter to keep
from becoming sidetracked. It is easy to go off on a
tangent otherwise. She is also a contributing partner,
and at times has sent me off into understandings that I
did not originally get.
Problems with
ancient spiritual sites and ancient understandings:
The last seven years are a
by-product of teaching learned from ancient spiritual
sites. I originally listened to the absolute lunatic
ideas about the ancient site designs and knew I needed a
real answer. The experts were saying the alignments of
the pyramids and stone circles around the world were to
tell the seasons for crops. This does not explain all
sites, for example; western Canada stone sites that were
built by nonagrarian people. There is also the theories
that they worshipped the gods in the sky, when most of
them "lived" in the underworld. We cannot whitewash
every culture and time period with the same brush. It
become obvious to me, they just did not know, but for
some reason they still had to come up with something,
even if it did not fit. There had to be a common link, a
common theme, or understanding. It was evident that we
as a race had lost this understanding for one reason or
I did find the common link and
understanding but it was so different there is nothing
in this world that even hints of this direction. What I
was shown in my journeys gave unity to everything that
exists in this world. From the shape of our bodies, the
movements we make in our daily activities including
dancing, Yoga, Feng Shui, and all the way to our
spiritual heredity. The understandings were so totally
new that I needed to be taught the basic "language"
first before being shown the actual composition of this
I have found out through my
teachings that the alignments were to some celestial
objects, but not for gods or seasons. There was a more
beneficial reason that produced results for these
people. That is not to say that some preceding groups
did not find superstition and extracurricular reasons or
uses for the alignments. Even today many still worship
the seasonal equinoxes. Associations to seasons, nature,
celestial objects, and time periods have always been
part of humanity’s attention. Cultures observe the
cycles of life and the shifts throughout the year, but
they don’t run out there and make massive temples to
demonstrate their observation. It is obvious there was
more value to the temples than merely pointing at an
object in the sky! Below I have given just a small
number of questions answered by these understandings.
- Why does humanity go
through creative cycles like the Athenians only to
lose it all like the Dark Ages and then start over
again? Great civilizations seem to appear from
nowhere, compete with architects, scientist,
artists, and so on, how is this possible?
- Why are there hundreds of
pyramids and stone circles all over this planet?
Many cultures were not agrarian, star watchers, or
had gods that lived in the heavens. So
archaeoastronomy for the worship of a star system or
predicting agricultural seasons don’t account for
the number of sites built.
- Why are there common
angular positions appearing around the world at
ancient spiritual sites, even though these sites
don’t share the same angle or view of the sky?
- Ancient symbols are all
around us but no one can give a real answer to what
they mean.
- What does Feng Shui, Vastu
Vidya, and dowsing have in common? Why and how do
they work?
- How are Yoga, Tie Chi,
Martial arts, dancing, other body positions related
and to what benefits?
Problems in
I have been told, "science is
the study of tire tracks!" I inquired to what that meant
and was told that in this field they observe, then
measure, record, classify, and study the results or
"impressions". Physical results left in this physical
reality from a larger unseen source. The metaphor refers
to a factitious primitive culture that has come across
these strange tracks in the mud. In their culture none
have seen a motorized vehicle, so the concept of what
made the tracks is not available. In this factitious
tribe the most knowledgeable members decide to
investigate, using past understandings and observations.
As you can imagine the best of them conclude that
whatever made these tracks had to be round. So many
theories are put forward as to the possible shape and
appearance of this round object. Unfortunately time has
robbed them of the opportunity to witness the event.
With nothing to compare it to and only the physical
results to go on the initial theories are adopted as the
only truths available. As time goes on the theories
become part of the historical fact for the tribe, for
there is no need to question it anymore.
This is exactly what happened
in our modern scientific field. Most of the past
theories were only partially accurate or at best there
was nothing else offered that could explain the
"tracks". The answer is the same as with the tribe
above, we mainly have been observing what is in the
physical. All that is created in the physical realm is a
result of processes and design that are not physical in
nature. Below are a small number of physical "tire
tracks" that are a serious problem for science to
understand. The answers are there, and these books will
show the nonphysical "vehicles".
- Why are the Pioneer
spacecraft’s veering off course toward the edge of
the solar system? Have they hit a wall that is
keeping them into our space capsule? Something is
holding the probes back, according to calculations
of their paths, speed and how the gravity of all the
objects in the solar system -- and even a tiny push
provided by sunlight -- ought to act on them.
- Astronomers call this
boundary the Kuiper cliff, because the density of
space rocks drops off so steeply. What is causing
- In 1998, astronomers
discovered the universe is expanding at ever-faster
speeds. It's an effect still searching for a cause -
until then, everyone thought the universe's
expansion was slowing down after the big bang.
"Theorists are still floundering around, looking for
a sensible explanation," says cosmologist Katherine
Freese of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
- The team fired beryllium
nuclei at a small carbon target and analyzed the
debris that shot into surrounding particle
detectors. They expected to see evidence for four
separate neutrons hitting their detectors. Instead
the Ganil team found just one flash of light in one
detector. And the energy of this flash suggested
that four neutrons all arrived together at the same
time in the detector. Of course, their finding could
have been an accident: four neutrons might just have
arrived in the same place at the same time by
coincidence. But that's ridiculous and improbable,
or is it?
- In our best understanding
of gravity, apply it to the way galaxies spin, and
you'll quickly see the problem: the galaxies should
be falling apart. Galactic matter orbits around a
central point because it’s mutual gravitational
attraction creates centripetal forces. But there is
not enough mass in the galaxies to produce the
observed spin, so what is the answer?
- The University of Tokyo's
Akeno Giant Air Shower Array has detected several
cosmic rays above the GZK limit. In theory, they can
only have come from within our galaxy, avoiding an
energy-sapping journey across the cosmos. However,
astronomers can find no source for these cosmic rays
in our galaxy. So what is going on? Is Einstein
wrong in his special theory of relativity saying
that space is the same in all directions, but what
if particles found it easier to move in certain
directions? Then the cosmic rays could retain more
of their energy, allowing them to beat the GZK
- Look across space from one
edge of the visible universe to the other, and
you'll see the microwave background radiation
filling the cosmos is at the same temperature
everywhere. That may not seem surprising until you
consider the two edges are nearly 28 billion
light-years apart and our universe is only 14
billion years old. So if nothing can travel faster
than the speed of light there is no way heat
radiation could have traveled between the two
horizons to even out the hot and cold spots. In the
big bang theory the thermal equilibrium we see now
is impossible. This "horizon problem" is a big
headache for cosmologists, so big that they have
come up with some ridiculous solutions or straw
grasping reactions.
- What is creating
sonoluminescene and why is the Universe Anisotropic
condition prevalent in our universe?