The 45 Angle

The 45 degree topic is massive and would fill a book so this book is here only to provide an introduction. I was told to show the completed system even if most ancient sites do no incorporate all the teachings. Many of the ancient sites have layers of understanding that have been applied to the site by different shamans. They are also books of knowledge, if one understands the greater picture and its internal makeup. Also not all ancient shamans saw the necessity to focus on anything that was not of interest to them.

Just like the main axis of 0 – 180 degrees there is a pure source energy that flows into the sphere/cube configuration from all 8 of the 45-degree angles. The 45-degree angles are another harmonic level of the universal structure. It is another vibrational dimension below cube and sphere but still part of the basic universal structure. Like the 0-180 degree axis the 45-degree angles are another one of the most important angles seen in ancient site designs. The reason being these 45 angles are the creative sources for the physical realities.

Shown in the above Jenny photo are the shells of the octahedron. One can also see the sphere shells being the creator of this banding.


The 45 is the electromagnet angle that energizes the physical world and is the first stage towards physical creation. Physical cannot happen without the 0-180 axis of consciousness, but it is the 45-degree angles with support of the octahedron that create elements and galaxies.

The 45s are part of the structure that also helps support the octahedron in the center of the 8 pack. Due to the rotational effects of the 8 pack the 45-degree energies are also spiralling ribbons of different vibrational “notes”. The 45 spirals are ribbons much like the 0-180 axis is. In the above photo-diagram only one directional flow of the 45 is shown but in actuality there are two opposite flows along the same 45 angles that radiate outward. Electrical being one flow and magnetism being its opposite and balancing flow, both creating the 45-degree energy axis. The center horizontal plane creates the difference between the two flow’s characteristics.  Shown bellow is the basic diagram of this structure.

Shown above are the main flows or ribbons of energy, with the event horizon in place at the center. In the Red Nebula photo below I have placed the position of its octahedron. The rays of energy enter the Red Nebula from 45 variant angles of the electromagnetic. This core electromagnetic energy would not be recognized by our instruments as it is pure source level. It is only when this level is supporting a lower density of the physical realties that we could measure its electromagnetic abilities.

Harmonics: Frequency is 0 -180 ribbon.

Vibration is the 45 degree angles – plus or minus degrees.

The above diagram shows the complete ribbon flow, including the 45s overlapping of the 0-180 degree main axis ribbon. It is within the influence of the 0-180 axis overlapping onto the 45 degree’s flow that determines the vibrational flavour of the 45’s axis and all its sub degrees.

The bands in the Red Nebula (see below) are horizontal planes of the octahedron itself.

Red Rectangle Nebula


Newgrange, Ireland showing structural progression

The electromagnetic structure is a completely different dimensional level and is the beginning of the physical realities. The hardest part of understanding this work is not to try and see all the different levels and structures at one time. They are all separate structures in different dimensional levels from each other. Although they are independent of adjacent levels they are still reliant on one another in being a complete system. Trying to see how one level creates or influences another level will only confuse a person. The only way to see and understand it all is in an OBE state (a 360 degrees level of consciousness).

The 45 angular energy is a ribbon flow and with an opposite ribbon along this axis. This flow mimics the main 0 – 180 ribbon as the pattern of design is the same, just at a different angular flow. Shown below is a diagram of this flow starting as singular directional flow on the left and then with a complete diagram of them overlapping, as they would appear in their true ribbon form.

As the two ribbons overlap they find zones of common but opposite vibrational resonance. Balanced in this situation is measured by resonate frequency and is the first stage of creating the physical. This balanced state also has to coordinate with the central octahedron structure. If the electromagnetic is called the energy flow of the physical then it is the octahedron that is the core of its foundation. In the diagram below I show how the central octahedron shells cross the 45-degree’s flow. If the octahedron’s shells cross the 45 at positions of imbalance there is no physical creation. There can still be semi-physical realities but they would be outside of our perceptional range. It is only at the appropriate point that all of it needs to come together to create a physical dimension.   

In the above Jenny photo I point out were this is in a harmonic structure. The spiral edges are “A” with octahedron shells at “B”. The possible physical levels fall on the 45 angles at the appropriate octahedron shells. The 45 degree spiral ribbon edges are seen as merely lines in this harmonic slice (marked out in blue). 

In the above diagram (shown vertically for convenience) I have placed a red figure 8 to shown the inner movement that is created in this level. This is in the zone of equal energy vibrations from both ribbons. The vibration is matched and with the octahedron’s shell (this level’s horizon) a flow of energy forms a figure 8. This figure 8 has half of one loop above and below the horizon to complete the 8. It is in this figure 8 disc level, in relationship to the 45-degree angle, that physical elements are created. (I will explain more of the figure 8 further in the book) 

Shown below is a photo-diagram which demonstrates the whole structure in its proper angle. It is also important to remember that this is a 45 angle and not be confused with the 0 -180-axis level as they are two different dimensional levels in the structure.

Looking down a 45 ribbon

Ever wonder why galaxies are always at weird angles and appear to be randomly scattered across the universe? You have to think in 45-degree angles and if you lined them up to the Anisotropic Angle of the universe it would make sense. That is if you can separate different size structures from one another and their different vibrational levels (that is also relying on within the limits of our perception). Not all the 45-degree galaxies and their patterned structure will be observable to our instruments. The pattern will and is still be there and it can still be worked out if one fills in the gaps.

Most ancient sites were designed knowing the anisotropic angle of creation (the most efficient “source flow”). Knowing this angle depended on knowing ones position on earth and its relevance to this anisotropic angle. This angle is the trunk of the “Tree of Life” and its roots and braches are a symbolic form of the energy lines off this axis. Once you have 0–180 it is simple to divide it up into its 45-degree angles. From the 45s you can fine tune the directions and variant angles you want to download from. The 45s are ribbons and like the axis ribbon they too have many varying degrees along their path.

The above diagram shows some of the variant angles of the 45 degrees. These variant angles are degrees of our physical conscious level connections and although the angle degree changes numerically they are still variants of the 8 different 45-degree angles.

Galaxy Potentials


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