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tools were used to facilitate connections outside of this reality
including personal energy signatures stored within the artifacts (e.g.
Cache Blades Collections).The original purpose for the Cache blades was
to connect all the member shamans, including the generations prior to
them, which were obviously separated by many miles and years. Each
generation’s participating shamans created their own blades and added it
to the Cache. Over time this added up to many blades and many individual
energy signatures. Some Cache blade collections were typically complete
family energetic “collages or melanges” of individual shaman initiates
as well as masters. Sometimes these Cache Blade collections grew very
large as they accumulated over the generations turning into an energy
entity within itself. This “entity signature” of a group has the power
to act as a connecting reference point or beacon for all aspects
involved. These collections were placed in selected spots (sacred sites
at the Earth’s vortex points) to act as a transformer (similar to the
larger sacred sites) broadcasting this combined energy into areas where
the councils would attend (usually just outside the physical reality).
Below is an example of a cache blade that has its style origins from
Europe (known as the Solutreans – migration Group #1 in this case). This
piece of obsidian was part of the Paulina Cache found by Dewey Dietz in
the Pauline Creek area of Oregon - 2,130 pieces in it. The picture
beside it shows a magnified portion and the tattletale marks of obsidian
that has been carried far (with other blades rubbing against it). As you
can imagine, having one of these blades and the knowledge of connecting,
one has the opportunity to connect to hundreds of shamans from the past. |
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As can be expected, other members of the cultures would not be aware of
this level of work, for it was never for the general public, then or
now. I understand that I’m exposing this information, but I also know I
do not need to be concerned with these groups being disturbed by anyone.
You cannot enter without invitation, for one has to be eligible and
capable of entering. This eligibility is governed by ones own desires
and vibrational frequency, for we self-exclude ourselves in this manner
as can be witnessed by individuals attempting to experience an OBE.
These gatherings have been going on for thousands of years at many of
the sacred sites. The sacred sites became and are the medium, the
antenna, and the storage “container” of knowledge for those that are
able to listen or join in. By performing any type of ritual at a sacred
site you are potentially disturbing thousands of years of incredible
work and potentially creating a new “background static” that may
interfere with future mystics that want to learn.
The Cache Blade collections became very powerful energy sources for
shamans to use. Along with
this was the need to store them in a spot that others of the same
shamanic clan could recognized and be able to use at different times.
Burrowing them in the ground was a safe place, especially for nomadic
cultures. The work was sometimes done only during specific times of the
year and only in certain places. It was natural to keep them in the
power spot of choice. When a shaman or members of the shamanic group
wanted to connect with this power vortex energy, all that was needed was
to stand or sit over the buried cache blade collection. These
collections were typically placed in natural Earth Vortex areas, or
neutral areas of balanced Earth energy flows. Some of the long linage
caches grew so large it would be impractical to carry them around. As
mentioned prior the
largest cache of projectile points ever found in North America was
Paulina Creek Cache in central Oregon. Below are examples of some cache
blade collections that have been found.
Picture "A" - McKinnis Clovis Cache 12,000 - 14,000 BP - http://www.lithiccastinglab.com/index.htm Picture "B" - Paulina Creek Cache - the Dietz Cache Picture "C" - 8000. BP Scania, Sweden Site - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mifa3pqzaw One last thing, all cache blade collections were not for shamanic purposes. The more recent vintage ones also served as methods of storing rather than carrying the weight of many prefaces for the future manufacturing of projectile points (especially within trade routes).
My advice is to spend as much time as possible at a sacred site. If you
are trying the artifact method, you do not need complete intact
artifacts nor is there a need to spend a lot of money on them. In fact I
have been told that if they are broken they are even more efficient to
work with. There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is the
emotional impetus that was sent into the artifact upon its destruction.
A re-sharpened and re-broken (in the past) artifact can also increase
this ability to connect. One thing is important if a targeted time
period is being researched, it is nice to have enough of the artifact to
identify its approximate cultural chronology. Even if the scientific
chronology is not very accurate, it is helpful in the bigger picture of
understandings as to who is who. Recently, I have been informed that
even a flake off the original tool is as good to work with. The creation
of the tool or projectile point has a specific energy/creation that
comes from the creator’s consciousness. The tool maker applies force to
create it and this force is imprinted into the flake as well as the
By force I don’t mean the physical sticking of the knapper’s hammer, as
it is actually the force of conscious desire that becomes imprinted. The
tool might have many such strikes in its creation but apparently this
doesn’t increase its power.
A note here: the flake will be on a different level of information and
energy or purpose than the finished product.
The finished artifact will be linked more to the physical
emotional imprinting of desire – the desire to create in the physical.
This gives the tool or finished artifact the ability to become an icon
for the conscious plan of the moment of its creation.
The variables for this process are endless, but this information does
give some direction in what is needed. One last thing to mention here;
the more individuals from the past we have connections to, the stronger
the position will be. The ancient shamans in North America understood
how collecting individual energies was a powerful tool. The first
shamans to understand this would have started a collection of their
different source energies and helpers (Communicators and Translators).
As time went on this collection was passed onto the next generation of
shamans (an inheritance). More was added by the new generation and some
objects rejected because those aspects were dealt with. In time it was
recognized that capturing or imprinting of the shaman themselves was all
that was needed to access his or her “energy files”. From here it was
just a matter of identifying that rocks (quartz based material) had a
great ability for storage of energy.
The most precious tools or lithics were the projectile points or the
early tooling stages of them called performs. These blade collections
became the connectors and icons of past shamans. With each new
generation of initiated shamans, another piece was added to the cache.
Some cultures I have been told only added to the Cache after the
initiate passed the tests. One of these styles of tests can be seen in
the Nazca Lines. These lines were the proof that the initiate had the
ability to go Out Of Body (OBE) by describing what form they saw on the
ground. (No, there were no UFO landing pads involved! – This idea came
from a non-shaman.)
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