
In the diagram above the helix strings form the sphere but as this sphere energy withdraws further from the grid lines of the cube its vibration changes. The change in vibration continues to shift to a point that it is now in another octave. This new octave mimics the parent sphere but only at a slightly smaller size. This process continues until there are many layers of the original sphere.

These layers are called Shells and are part of every structure from grid line, cube, to time space continuums. The new shells are still part of the original but operate at distinctive layers of vibrational octaves (notes). Each layer having properties and flavours of the original, but are separate to their own “worlds”. The shells in a structure are replicated until they can no longer operate in a vibrational tone that can be supported by the original structure. As far as the sphere goes, it is the injection of consciousness into the parent sphere that allows this wider scale of shells.

As seen above in the Jenny harmonic photo (a basic view) the sphere’s boundaries lay outside the cube boundaries and thus the spheres come in contact with each other. With two spheres crossing over each other’s boundaries an interference boundary is created (at the grid lines). This interference zone will become its own structure and will have its own inherent flow pattern. This zone will also have properties or energies common to the two host spheres. The zone is commonly known as the Vesica Piscis but I have been instructed to call it the “Patch”. As said above all structures have banded layers or shells. This is due to harmonic shifts or “notes” in the octave of every structure.

As two adjacent spheres overlap their shells they become immersed into each other’s different vibratory flavours (see diagram below). In the universal structure all forms regardless of their commonality will have their own individual signature energy.

Therefore, adjacent spheres become co-partners to another structure call a Patch. This patch can be seen below as one sphere rotates its shells into the other rotating sphere. There is a mixing of two different levels of vibration. One sphere’s lower outer vibrational shells mix with the inner higher shells of the second sphere. This means the outer lower shells are now co creating with higher shells of creation. This creates an incredible amount of energetic exchange as the vibrational states seek to find resonate balance between them. This is also the start of the duality of a reality. The union of two orbs is the “Patch”, an area of combined energies and a zone of independent creation that shares vibration from its “parents”. 

In the above photo I have overlaid two harmonic spheres to demonstrate this. The shells in a sphere would be very close and too fine to show in a Jenny photo. In the diagram to the right I have outline this principle. The red arrow in the center would be a neutral energy area (C). Below is an ancient diagram of the same concept showing different animal levels above and within the shells of the physical and “lower worlds”.


Rochester Creek, Utah

Rochester Creek, Utah

The intermixing of different shells create their own dynamic realities, each having its own specific vibration or flavor. In the simple diagram below (a two dimensional “slice”) you can see the many combinations with just in a few shells from two spheres. The zone in the middle (between 1 and 2) is called the “90 Degrees”. In this area there is little movement in structural creation for it is too active and is called a neutral energy zone, even with this activity. (In a consciousness level two spheres intermixing are referred to as a two dimensional level of reality.)


The orb phenomenon is consciousness vibrating into the edges of the physical reality.

The shells are the edges of spheres and are not recognizable as you go inward to the center of the orb or outward to the cube. This is due to the higher or lower vibrations and the lack of any physical form. The shells are a banding of concentric layers due to “harmonic octaves”. Each octave and its “composite of notes” will have its own specific flavor or vibration. These octave differences will define the boundaries between each shell or band. The outer shells are a composition of many layers of energetic density. There are also many sphere structures that can be observed in astronomical bodies.

Most of the nebulas are spheres and patches that are displaying different parts of their development. All nebulas have a complete sphere structure; it is just not always in a vibratory level for our observation, regardless of instrumentation. Below is a good example of a sphere (Cat Nebula) and its shells or concentric shell boundaries. The right side photos show celestial close ups of the axis center of a sphere (as compared with the right upper Jenny photo).   

The center of this astronomical sphere “B” shows the characteristic of a true orb and its swirling vortices. In the picture to the upper right you can compare the core of a harmonic sphere “A” to a picture of the center of our own galaxy “C”.

Shells are very important to understand for they explain how an observable effect is only a small aspect of the complete system. Examples of our detectable energies are light, radiation, magnetism, electricity, and gravity but they are but small aspect of the same larger energy source. The source energies are unlimited in power and unique but filtered into their respective dimensional shells and our interpretations.

So in truth, physical realities are graduations of vibrational intensities that group through common resonance (octaves). Starting from the original harmonic structure of this universe there are ever increasing and decreasing layers of energy. All these layers are separated by structural harmonic differences as discussed prior. These are the shell boundary areas and they are separated by vibrational scales. Within the shells are decreasing levels of vibration and individual flavors of this original energy. Each shell is composed of the source energy but each shell will have its “interpretation” of this energy.

To be in observance of any shell you must be part of it. This is only possible if you are of that or a similar vibrational signature. Each shell will have its “octave” of energy and in this octave will be the individual “notes” of the octave. So each shell could be called an octave scale of the other. Inside each note layer (within the parent octave) would be another mini octave that breaks down into its individual “notes”. (There are ten octaves in our physical system with 5.5 of them being perceivable by us. In the last four octaves are many mid tones, each registering its own state of motion.)

One last comment; consciousness has levels or shells also.

To the right a photo of an electron.

The Octahedron


Between the eight spheres of the 8 pack is another structure that is a product of the combined balanced state of these 8 spheres. If you look into this “space”, between all eight orbs you will find a geometric design and structure known as the Octahedron. (If you study crystal forms you would be aware of the fact the octahedron is a development stage of the cube for they are one and the same only a small shift out from one another.)

At this level in the structure the 8 pack works as a balanced state because the dynamics of paired grouping. For example; three spheres would be a dynamical imbalanced and would produce a shift or movement. The movements would take them out of the primary balanced background environment or vibrational level.


An ancient diagram of the 8 pack and octahedron, as seen from a two dimensional representation.

Below is a diagram showing the eight spheres removed, what is left is the octahedron. This octahedron is also blessed with shells for it is a product of the sphere’s shells. Each sphere shell will create a different sized octahedron structure which will have its own unique vibrational level. All patterns repeat and all are part of each other. As you can see the octahedron is situated on the event horizon and passes thought its center. 




The octahedron shells are created by the different sphere shells. Each of the 8 facets of the octahedron are a section of one of the 8 pack spheres. As each of the spheres comes in closer to each other they create another octave in the octahedron structure. This is also why the Great Pyramid of Giza has curved sides. It mimics the universal structure for maximum efficiency. 


Each shell of the sphere creates a different sized shell for the octahedron.


Shown above: The octahedron seen in a Jenny harmonic photo shows its banded shells and a diagram of the Great Pyramid of Giza with its curved sides.

Diagram from:



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