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Recorded Birth of Spiritual Awareness, in
I stumbled onto this aspect of human
consciousness one night while working with the European cave art. During
that night I was escorted from the more basic thought patterns of human
reality to the most complicated concepts regarding self recognition. The
first photo below is of a simple hand from the Chauvet Cave in France.
Without judgment or preloaded desire I was introduce to the creation of
humanity’s need to experience spiritual connections from the Earth
existence. I was not expecting this level of interaction, but I did find
it to be one of the most interesting subjects to explore. This is
because I realize that all that is created in the physical world comes
from a nonphysical template. Understanding different types and levels of
consciousness gives one a window into life and our physical reality.
There is no greater learning than this!
These people were as intelligent as we are today and in
some ways had abilities far more advanced than us. To connect to these
people there are two things that need to be part of a researcher’s tool
box. The obvious is the shamanic ability and the other is the capacity
to stay completely open to other levels of consciousness. Without either
of these working together there is no possible way to understand the
Petroglyph sites. |
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A summery of that evening’s information:
The handprint is from an older culture and a different
“family” of humans than the Solutreans and Magdalenian that later worked
there. Although 2 physical DNA helixes of the 12 can show some
differences between human groups, it is conscious levels of awareness
that determine the family’s line and its level of creativity – Soul
Group origin. In today’s perception these people would be called the
Gravittian. The image was
created as a type of signature, a recognition of self and one’s
existence in physical form, or the recognition of being aware and alive
in a human body. This might sound very basic but it is a step into
higher levels of awareness from the physical animal kingdom (our
bodies). This level of awareness is shared by some animal forms but
humans have the uniqueness of being able to portray this in an abstract
mark of personal recognition. The above picture is a diacritic symbol
that speaks of more than just the outline of a human hand. It is a mark
that denotes presence. This is similar, but expressed differently, in
the animal kingdom. Animals express their presence in life (as a
signature) through samples of their biology, called scent. In this
method a part of the animal is left to identify personal presences.
You can see the difference here;
one is leaving a part of oneself as an identifier, and the other is
leaving a thought form as an abstract or abridged identifier. The
difference is that consciousness has identified itself outside of the
biological apparatus. One sees itself as separate of the physical form.
This can only happen if one recognizes that their conscious creative
template is from outside of the physical form. This was the breakthrough
of spiritual essence in the physical from the animal kingdom! It is the
true identifying difference between an ensouled human and an animal.
That is not to say animals don’t have souls, for they do. The
differences in humans are the composition of their parts. Humans are not
animals but are the consciousness of a soul that is co-creating with the
soul of their human body. No, we are not invading the human body, we are
having a co experience with a life form in the Earth reality. The human
consciousness, which resides outside of the body, is in effect
co-creating in a symbiotic relationship with its animal physical form.
(See article on Dorajuadoik for further spiritual understanding
of animals.)
Within this simple handprint is
a demonstration of the current level of work being accomplished during
this time period. The advancement in this shaman’s work is also being
shown with the recognition of one’s placement amongst others in their
life. In other words, it is the ability to recognize others as different
forms of consciousness but still a part of one’s reality’s creation.
The four fingers relate to the
members of this ones immediate family.
I was also shown that it represented on deeper levels
of this one’s work, recognition of four levels of ancestors (prior “DNA
families”). Summing up all of the above awareness, it shows a level of
humanity that is unravelling its placement in life in relation to others
of the same level of awareness. This is the 1st level of pre
religion consciousness.
In the above picture see the knuckle angle and
recognize it is a bent thumb (some researchers think it’s a missing
digit). The hand has a thumb that is folded inward, which angles the
palm and gives a different finger spread (as seen in the two middle
ones). Spread your fingers and thumb, see the thumb’s knuckle is a
straight line. Bend the thumb and the knuckle protrudes to the side. The
thumb is not missing as this painting is sign language.
Patagonian - A Shamanic Cache |
2nd Level of Spiritual Consciousness.
The hand print petroglyphs can mean many things but
from one level of my teachings I am told that they are usually an
identity of self or group. This can be seen in the above hand collage
from Patagonia, Argentina. I have been told that this mosaic is a Shaman
Energy Cache. This cave was used for shamanic practise and teachings
with only shamans being allowed to contribute to the mosaic. Each
handprint is a signature of personal energy of the shamans that worked
there. At this site there were generations of shamanic workers that
believed that they were the only ones that could take ownership of this
spot and the teachings in the cache. Part of the teaching was the
recognition of the masters that came before them. Stories and teaching
were downloaded to the student shamans by oral legends and energetic
connections associated through the handprints. All teachings were thus
iconic to specific signatures of individual prints on the wall.
These sites became a reference portal for the type of
energy work they desired. The sacred teachings inspired the followers to
contribute their understandings and energy to the wall mosaic. In this
type of petroglyph site, identifying to their race and other individuals
in their “family” became the focus. It consolidated this part of
humanity’s existence into this reality. It is at this point in history
that humanity became culture. The definition of culture is the
recognition of ones family line and the parts that link physical and
spiritual themes into a supported belief system. Expanding and grounding
ones consciousness into the physical reality allowed the spiritual
connections to be cemented for more efficiency. Soul Groups could then
organize into genetic profiles that could work together to establish the
exchange of lessons that needed to be experienced, all within the
desired theme (the true purpose of being in the physical).
This pattern is still in existence today, even in our
modern North American continent. You can recognise them for they live in
segregated religious communities. This is not a judgment as it is merely
a way of members of a Soul Group to refine lessons within a specific
energetic vibration. This recognition of ones species within purpose and
role is the second level of pre religion consciousness.
It must be understood that Shamanic Caches are not just
physical objects, but a collection of energy that connects a worker
through a point of focus to the past, present, or future realities.
There is a site open to the public that this energy can be experienced.
It is the Mayan city of Uxmal, beside the Pyramid of the Magician. The
structure is called the
Nunnery Quadrangle but in the teachings of the modern
Mayan shaman
Hunbatz Men,
“it is not a palace but a teaching center”. It was a center that
potential mothers leant how to contact the unborn infant to facilitate
the growth of a balanced child. Yes, this is a level of awareness that
has not been achieved in our modern culture! To enter this female
pavilion you walk through an archway that has its ceiling covered with
the hand prints of the women shamans that taught there. Walking through
this archway is a form of attunement, which I have personally witnessed
in the effects it had on a female member of my visiting group.
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Level of Spiritual Consciousness.
In the Petroglyph mural above (Chauvet Cave) are many
layers of teachings that took place, over different periods of time. The
mural represents the developmental stages of a new form of corporal
search into spirituality. This overall teaching is the third stage of
pre religion. In this developmental stage of conscious awareness it is
social contribution (ones value in family) that becomes the primary
At this developmental time period shamanic teaching
needed a new form of communication that others could relate to. The
shamans were introducing more abstract concepts of life that we take for
granted today. Due to humanity’s emersion out of the natural world of
plants and animals, it was understandable that animal’s mobility and
their personality traits could be utilized. The known traits of
different animal’s behaviour had become an axiom among the hunter
gathers of this time. This common knowledge became the bridge for larger
community communication. Predictable animal behaviour was easier to
describe than the expanse of human personalities. That is without
mentioning the fact that shamanic Lower World Power Animals are also
selected by their abilities and strengths. It became a dual symbol of
choice that all could relate to.
The caves continued to be centers of teaching for each
period and the individual groups working there. In this third level,
identifying roles and position in community settings was a new stage of
shamanic awareness. This was the beginning of creating a society within
the cultural. In this third stage, learning how to co-create or work
together for the benefit of all (the families’ strength) was the focus.
Observing the animals hunt had shown them the way of strength in
numbers. A pride of lions worked together to catch their meals, with the
wise and skilled one in the lead as others followed in pursuit. This
leader role over the family conformed perfectly within the teaching
shaman groups and was a huge step towards creating a culture or
Division of sexes still maintained natural roles
similar to the lion pride with human females hunting along side males if
needed. The exception was the same as the lion pride, with the females
taking time off from the hunt to raise young. I was told the practise of
both sexes hunting was still in use as late as the North American Paleo
cultures (Agate Basin and Clovis were specifically mentioned).
On spiritual levels, cultural roles allow different
expressions of experience for Soul Groups. The division of the two sex’s
ability, times their parental roles, gave more opportunity for a soul’s
incarnation. It allowed the entire spectrum of the human experience to
be researched by the incarnating soul.
Power became group awareness and not just a personal
aptitude. Many could share the power of the most powerful individual by
co-creating in a pack like the lion pride. This also was the beginning
of some offshoot ideologies in the shamanic world. There were different
interpretations of power and individual needs. Population growth due to
climatic restrictions, had forced many different cultural families into
smaller areas. This gave rise to more exchange of ideas and the creation
of the different shamanic clans. These shamanic clans lasted in North
America right up to the nineteen century.
In the above photo see the progress of the art style,
starting from the left and increasing in ability as time goes on to
right. Each group was a separate period of time and new development of
this cultural aspect.
Shamanic clans were the beginning of the soldier
concept with a leader or powerful one becoming the guiding “light” for
others to follow. Similar to herds and wolf packs the leader becomes the
clan’s focus. Below is an example of this clan order with their
individual shamanic power animal symbols; the horse, bison, and
aurochs. In the clan system each
animal type becomes the totem or icon representation of the order of
focus. Totems represent the known abilities and strengths of the animal.
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The shaman leader was represented as a Power Animal in
the murals. In a herd of horses this could be represented by the
Rhinoceros and in other herd species as some other animal of strength.
These leaders were always power animals like the bear and rhinoceros.
The choice of power animal represented the leader’s abilities and
strengths, as recognized by the animals known abilities and habits.
Along with the choice of animal was the known connection of the leader
shaman’s own Lower World power animal. Each animal also had other human
qualities assigned to it. An example of this would be the Rhinoceros as
being the protector. The reason to choose a different animal other than
the same type of herd animal, was to separate the represented abilities
and powers of the shaman leader over the rest of the herd. To show the
powerful one amongst the other animals of the herd there had to be an
outstanding animal. Staying with the horse symbol in the herd would mean
creating a horse that stood out above the others, but creating another
horse would lose the different meanings that were also assigned to this
leader. The best solution to this was to show a power animal even if it
was not an animal of the herd.
Due to climatic shifts and migrations, France and
Iberia became a melting pot of 12 different family groups. They
originated from all four corners of Northern Africa and Europe. The
climate created an opportunity for humanity to know other peoples and
cultures. This was a natural state then as there were no territorial
characteristics or needs for humanity. All types of cultures or families
were using the caves as power centers for their shamans. Each group
tolerated the other because there was enough difference of habitat needs
in their life styles. Some specialized in hunting specific animals,
others focused more on marine life and still others were foragers of
plant and small game. Like all natural species on earth, humans at that
time filled all the niches so effectively there was no need to compete
for territory or food.
The horse and lion collage below are a portrayal of
shamanic growth. They show the stages of a shaman’s ascension into other
realities. They saw the process as a time age comparison, using the
animal symbol with the maturing growth life cycle. The lion, horse,
auroch, and so on are all different shamanic clans. They worked
sometimes during the same time period and in the same cave with complete
tolerance and respect for one another’s work. Each honoured the other’s
sacred space. The murals also show age ascension into adulthood.
Each group had their own desires, purpose, level and needs. The
group of three lions on the right are the last of the paintings created
in this mural. It shows an advanced level of understanding represented
by the nonphysical white lion in the background. To different clans the
bison and auroch were seen as herd animals of great power due to their
aggressive natures and power in mass. To others the horse was swift and
agile like their self image. |
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4th Level of Spiritual Consciousness:
These paintings and their embedded understandings
became the early “spiritual books” of humanity. The master shamans could
use the cave as a guide, showing the full spectrum of recorded
knowledge, gathered from thousands of years of understandings. These
caves became the first depository of spiritual understandings that
integrated many different groups into a culture. As the culture’s
population grew, the exchange of ideas and skills allowed more freedom
for some to hone their own abilities. The first occupational trades were
being established in this movement. The shamans typically became
artisans while other groups excelled in lithic master pieces and
personal adornment.
This diversifying of people allowed shamanic groups to
become more isolated and sophisticated in their teachings and research.
Rather than daily needs, they fixated on adventures into the unknown,
which led to OBE journeys to different lands. The adventures into
different realities can be seen in the so called “geometric cave
designs”. These are structural parts of the physical universe and have
great accuracy, if you are aware of this structure.
The prime directive in this new research was the health
of the culture itself. It had grown from personal self to “the people”.
Seeing the growth in population and the growing scarcity of resources,
it made sense to journey (out of body) to search for new lands. It is
very easy for a shaman to travel anywhere to witness firsthand what is
there. Discovering new land, continents, and islands are all second
nature to shamans and their journeys out of body. This new research also
created links to the ancestral migration templates. To fulfill this part
of their recognition of self, as a culture, it became clear that they
needed to retrace their beginnings. The majority decided to return to
the legendary ancestral grounds but some shamans from different
pre-cultural groups held fast to their own legends, of a different
homeland source. These legendary differences led to some groups staying
put in their current environment.
The “homeland” migration came from an established
pre-cultural people whose origin was from a prior migration out of the
Caucasus area of Eastern Europe. Migrating in two different directional
forks these Caucasus people (they called themselves the Douxcan – see
statement at bottom of page *) managed to span half of the globe. While
one went west, the other left for the east leaving some fragments
holding steadfast to the homeland. The group that migrated to the
France-Iberia region melded with eleven other groups of people that had
also gathered there. The culture that developed during this time period
is known today as the Solutreans. Of the two migrating forks of Douxcan
people, my teachings call the France-Iberian side group number two. The
other fork of this family is called group number 1 as they left slightly
before the second migration out of the homeland. Group number one are
the ones that ended up in the Americas, to eventually mix in with the
Originals that already occupied this land (a huge story that many today
have ties to).
Around 18,500 years ago, group number two retuned to
the homeland in the Caucasus area (a shamanic initiated migration) to
hear legends of a new land that their ancestors had found (group #1’s
Americas). With group number 2’s own pre-research on the subject and now
the proof that others had left for a new land, they too followed. This
was a second way into the Americas about 2000 years later.
After the power source of the France-Iberian culture
(Solutreans) had re-migrated back to the homeland, the ones that stayed
evolved into the Magdalenian. This culture was a combination of
traditionalist from the twelve group culture (including some Solutreans)
that chose to remain. This is why the Magdalenian share some Solutrean
cultural traits and yet still retain some more primitive lithic designs.
* Douxcan
people: pronounced “doo-can”
This is channelled information from a sculpture I have,
from this area and time period.
There was a large group that identified themselves as Douxcan. They used
different prefixes to further describe themselves eg. “of bear” “of
planes” based on land or practices (specialties) or animals they most
greatly associated themselves with. |
For more pictures see
As I was working on this webpage I decided to try some
Remote Viewing of the Chauvet Cave. Holding an ancient artifact from
France and the time period I managed to get some visions from inside,
and at other times, I could not connect at all. On the last attempt I
found myself in the cave to the right of this male. The vision was much
clearer and in 3D than photo above (Curtis photo of North American
native – the closest I could find). All I saw was his shoulders up and
some movement in his face. The rest of the cave was black. I watched for
at least two minutes before my excitement shifted me from the vision. It
took me a few hours to realize that he did not have a beard. Which makes
me question why artists always show the “cave men” with burly beards? I
have no idea if this was genetics or a custom to shave (which I doubt).
The part that excites me the most is that it might show another
connection to the Solutreans and some of the North American tribes. The
one I was watching was also about ten years younger than this above
photo. I had RVed ancient Mayans at Coba, Yucatan before but this was
the most ancient vision I have had.
The frustrations in science: From The New Scientist, 15 April 2003 "There is good reason to doubt chronologies based purely on style, admits Chris Witcombe, an art historian at Sweet Briar College in Virginia. He explains the difficulty with an analogy: "Imagine you are living in the distant future and only two objects survive from a lost and forgotten past: a painting by Picasso and a painting by Michelangelo. Which is the earlier work and which the later?" But archaeologists must also be wary of radiocarbon dates, argue Pettitt and Bahn in a paper that appeared in Antiquity last month. Bahn's suspicions were aroused when he translated the latest coffee-table book on the Chauvet cave into English. Around 30 radiocarbon ages are presented in this book, but the measurements were all made at the same French laboratory. Using results from only one team, however skilled, just is not scientific, says Bahn. Worse, the same laboratory is currently embroiled in an argument over the age of the artwork in another cave, Candamo in Spain. They dated black dots on its walls to 30,000 years ago, but Geochron Laboratories in Cambridge, Massachusetts, estimated the age of a second sample to be just half that. The point is that carbon dating rock art is difficult. Because the samples tend to be incredibly tiny, it is difficult to measure the number of carbon-14 atoms relative to other carbon isotopes - the key ratio for pinning down the age. "Everybody agrees there are problems," says Marvin Rowe, who heads a radiocarbon-dating lab at Texas A&M University in College Station. Contamination from groundwater or rock scrapings may further confuse the results."
April 11 2011© |