are basically two kinds of imprinted energy left on artifacts and sacred
sites. The first is a personal imprint of the creator or creators of the
artifact/site. Imprinting can be personal physical experiences, soul
level needs, or a combined need of a group; as in the case of the sacred
sites or Cache Blade collections. The second imprinted energy can be
from the artifact finder or anyone that has owned it after that. That includes the "new owners" of a sacred site. In this
group you can receive impressions from everyone who has touched or
handled the object or created within the sacred site. This
type of imprinting is what often makes reading an artifact/site difficult
because the images can be so plentiful and varied that they come out
jumbled or skewed into one direction. The third imprinting is the one
I’m currently interested in. This imprinting is found in the creative
soul energy level, the one that created the human conscious level and
the need to express this level in the physical. As you know, life and
all objects do not just appear in the physical without the nonphysical
orchestrating it.
Attuning to the object/place and the energy associated with it is a lot
like rewinding and replaying a tape. Often, the reproduction can be
quite accurate and faithful to the events imprinted on the object or
spot, but one must remember that they can think very differently than we
do today. The receiver can also be tapping into their fears, strengths,
and limitations. To make this process even more confusing, the receiver
may also be coloring the messages with their own modern belief systems.
One must always be aware when contacting sources closer to the physical
that you can get really different mental awareness abilities.
What is the trick to extracting from a site or artifact that you
consider important? The first part of the method is to understand the
level in which you are searching. This vibrational level will always be
specific to the energetic vibrational layer imprinted in the artifact or
site. If your meditation is light and just above the physical layer,
then this is the level of information you will tap into. If on the other
hand you go very deep and present the appropriate desire to understand,
this will head you in the right direction.
In the three paragraphs below there are instructions that I have been
given on accessing creative levels. This may be a help for some that can
interpret the message. This method can also be used for sourcing out new
inventions, art, music, and so on. Remember, this information is from a
nonphysical level so it might not be understood by all:
``Consciousness is a band of energy that can be found in layers just
like the shells mentioned previously. Layering occurs because common
vibration finds common attraction; this includes desire, intelligence,
and emotional quotients. Layering occurs after any thought has arisen;
from there it naturally pools or gravitates to common vibrational arenas
within the matrix of universal dimensions. Exchanges of thought by all
sentient beings as well as pooling of common thought collect in pockets
and it’s in these pockets of energy that one can tap into. These pockets
remain in their respected consciousness vibrational levels called shells
(see “The Schematic of God” for more).
banding or shells create matrix patterns of “individual thought
patterns” that can and do overlap. This overlapping also creates a
matrix pattern that is divided by the specific boundaries of the pattern
sector itself or individual likeness. In other words the individual
realties are only capable of intersecting or tapping into that which is
of common vibration or similar that allows them to reach into slightly
different vibrational fields. Because of this reaching ability you can,
in your reality, extend out into the higher or lower bands by raising or
lowering your vibration to the level of choice. Tapping into music, art,
scientific inventions are all achieved in this manner, whether one is
conscious of it or not.
by finding the common desire and intent in your emotional field. Follow
it up or down after connection is secured, once a vibrational
shift has been felt – Let Go! Absorb this background energy letting go
of all thoughts, questions, and interest in where or what is coming
through. This process will lead you to the information you seek. You can
ask for help in the learning stages for there are many that would love
to assist. Everyone in all levels understands evolution of spirit! ``
For artifact connection, hold the artifact in one hand and a “Tool” in
the other (typically left is receiving and right is transmitting). Tools
are bridges that help us connect to different levels (more is explained
in the “Tools Page”). Ask a question of the artifact or remain in
listening mode for the messages. This silence part is not as silent as
you realize for your needs and questions are always there. By remaining
silent rather than asking “intelligent” questions you will probably
receive far more than you would ever anticipate.
Everyone and everything has a different energy because everything
has a different evolutionary level and a complimentary vibration that
makes them unique.
In my
journeys, I have found that
music creates a clearer thought or a focused state. This might not work
for everyone but for me, music is best chosen in another language or no
lyrics at all. Words that I can understand distract me and create a
tangent towards the thought of the song’s subject. I also put as many
varied types of music in the CD player as possible for I rarely know
what type of music will work the best for the night’s journey. Balanced
music is a connective creation from the nonphysical (regardless of
whether the artist is aware of this or not). This vibration or sound
will key one into the different levels for it all originates from the
universe. It will take you away and with the combination of the
artifact’s energy, the direction or energy angle will be spontaneously
found. This is all an automatic process, you will find the level of
answers required, and a year later you will probably find another level
of the same answers. This is the evolution of consciousness and the
growth that all sentient beings strive for.
The artifacts are the tuning capacitor (the dial) that is similar in a
radio, the music becomes the antenna, and the desire is the power behind
it all. (There is more information on this subject on the
Tools Page).
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