all aspects come together, the octahedron, 45-degree flow, and the
ratchet, a new structure comes into focus. This is the structure of
reality and is called the “Patch”. It is similar to the main 0 –
180-axis patch but for this axis it is along the physical
electromagnetic flows of 45 degrees. As the ratchets of inner smaller
spheres and outer larger spheres take place a vortex of spiraling energy
is created that mimics the ribbon flow. All flowing energy is curved and
incomplete it is a spiral, completed in cycle it is a sphere. |
![]() |
At this level, the structure becomes so complex it would be difficult to
show it in its entirety. The above diagram is simply to show its
position in a simplistic form. The following diagrams are presented with
this simplistic format in mind, and only showing the sphere ratchet.
![]() |
The above diagram shows three patches, each a product of individual
properties from their co-creative “parent” spheres numbered 1,2, and 3.
Each sphere has its own unique properties and flavour, so their combined
patches will also be unique to these flavours. This means that every
patch will be its own unique creation. |
![]() |
The overlapping area of two spheres creates a discus shape, but as seen
below this changes as three spheres interact. |
![]() |
In the above diagram the interlocking spheres have been eliminated to
show that the patches are disc shaped. In this diagram all three patches
(discs) have a common shared area at the center called a Patch Head. It
is within this patch head that realities take place. There is also one
at each end of the disc patches. |
![]() |
In the above diagram the red triangle shows the beginning of
three-dimensional geometry, which continues down into the patch with all
the “sacred geometries” that are required to create a physical reality.
The spiralling ribbons of energy create complex patterns that start with
grid squares to diamond shapes and all the way down into complex grids
like the dodecahedron. |
![]() ![]()
Star Bust Galaxy and Gomez’s Hamburger, the center edges of a patch tube |
The patch shown above shows the Octahedron Shells creating the horizons
of the physical. The Patch Heads spirals into these layers creating
different densities of the physical. That is until they enter too deep
into the horizons and physical manifestation is not possible. |
![]() Dumbbell Nebula |
The Patch is divided into three parts with opposite flowing energy at
each end or head and a center band of graduated bands of “balanced”
energy. |
![]() ![]()
Centauras A – a galaxy that shows its true patch shape with picture to
the right showing its shells.
As the patch’s inner ribbons of energy cross one another they create
geometries of energy (strings). These geometric patterns are the
foundation of the physical. As mentioned, the structures are a product
of consciousness from all levels. As this geometric pattern ratchets
down into complexity it follows that the level of consciousness also
matches in complexity. As these vibrational patterns reach the physical
level they still must maintain a continued flow from their source power
(source connections).
The most complex conscious forms within Earth’s realities are humans. To
support the nonphysical consciousness that connects and maintains the
human body a steady flow of conscious energy must be maintained. This
flow is also in a spiral pattern. |
Consciousness lies outside the physical body while it is the brain and
other organs that maintain the interpretive desires from this
nonphysical source. |
Consciousness creates the physical. There is no exception to this.
Physical does not nor will it ever create consciousness. Even if humans
were to create a “life form” it will not maintain its form without a
steady injection of human conscious energy. In other words it is not a
life form but a projection of a human desire. Humans have the ability to
create anything as long as the conscious energy is maintained. The
creational energy duration is also dependent on the alignment to the
universal structure and higher levels of consciousness.
This also applies to certain areas of our planet. All along the surface
are areas or geographical spots that have more efficient abilities in
connecting to the universal source. Through these connections some spots
can arrest time creational abilities while others speeded up the
physical ability to create. This is not a random choice of alignments to
source energy flows. They are a result of different nonphysical
geometric grids that are part of the patch. It all starts at the reality
level of the planet and its co-creative abilities to maintain other
forms of conscious desires.
Did you know that that almost 90% of the world’s population lives in the
northern hemisphere? In addition, that half of all Earthlings reside
north of 27 degree N. of the equator, and with the average human living
at 24 degrees from the equator – either north or south. With the earth’s
tilt that produces 24 + 23.5 = 47.5 degrees.
![]() |
These areas can be plotted out as they have specific geometric patterns
that are products of the inner weaving of patch ribbons. Each geometric
pattern will have its own harmonic framework, its frequency, which is
not that much different from patterns seen in the Jenny’s Cymatics. Over
time shamans began to recognize key junctions in these patterns and
marked the spots as being sacred sites (energetic portals).
Unfortunately, today recognition of these special spots on the planet’s
surface has not furnished any understanding of how or why they are so
Ancient shamans understood how and why these spots were created for they
researched the information much in the same way I have, through
connections to the nonphysical realms. They understood the relationship
between the universe and how its supportive foundations and structures
could be used to enhance efficiency in their work and desires. Along
with this knowledge is the understanding of how placement or location is
one of the prime ingredients. (These earth spots are the bridge between
desire and fulfilment.)
![]() |
In the left map above, German Megalithic sites have been plotted out and
because of this it is easy to recognize order and alignments. One can
plot these out without much analyzing. On the right side is the Becker &
Hagens purposed grid map. This map has some accuracy for some of the
ancient sites but does not allow for individual time periods or the
overlapping of these shamanic periods. Junction points (crossings) can
also be off to the side of specific sites due to placement in time
(during different time periods of development). The sites would have
been chosen with the alignments of the grids of the day. Unfortunately
grids migrate, like all structural components they are in motion. Once
the grid migrated off to the side the site would start to lose its
ability. This would results in the site being abandoned or reconstructed
to a new position. A site 1000 years later than its neighbour will not
align to this Becker/Hagens map. To
finish a map like this would be a major undertaking as one would have to
know the ages and the intents of the energy that were being connected
to. There are also different geometric grids involved here. The map
above is based on the Pentagon shape. There are many grids from
Octahedron grids (diamond) all the way to Dodecahedron (Six side
slices). Each of these geometric grids will have their own vibrational
level and energy flavour. They are not connected but do support one
another the same way notes in music support an octave. Each one shares a
part of the entire structure of nonphysical, semi physical to physical.
(In the above map the two red dots are “A” - Majorville and “B” - Tie
How the sites work is extremely complicated and it would take the
resources of a very knowledgeable shaman. Once the site was built, all
could have benefited from its properties.
Unfortunately once the original designer was gone, the site more than
likely fell victim to those that were unfamiliar with the design or
purpose. With processional shift and different needs being utilized for
the cultural, a whole new design would be created.
People who study the sites have observed that around the world there are
common angular positions or directions that the sites would be aligned
to. Also noted was that a group of sites on one side of the planet would
be aligned in the same angular direction as a completely different site,
on the other side of the globe. Both groups of sites could not be
visually seeing the same star or planet configuration regardless of the
time of day. How then could this be possibly be related to individual
constellations or an astronomical point? They can’t but there are other
reason for alignments in common directions. Some of the common
directions noted around the world are; 12 to19.5 degrees, 52 to 54.5,
and 110 to135 degrees. In the Manitoba Whiteshell area, archeologists
have for years noticed that the ancient Petroforms (rock mosaics) were
aligned at 53.5 degrees. It puzzled them as they scrambled to relate it
to something. The sun, moon, and stars had to be the answer, but there
was never any valid association found.
In other places the researchers noticed very accurate planning of the
city structures with puzzling twisted or out of pattern buildings. Why
would a supremely superior “alignment” culture like the Maya have such
scattered pyramids in a complex? Below is an example of this advanced
civilization purposely building on a slant to the other structures on
the site. One has only to look at the statistics of the main pyramid at
Chichen Itza to see how incredibly accurate the Maya could get with
their alignments and measurements.
![]() |
above diagram shows a small part of the temple complex at Tikal. There
is no mistake taking place here. Lower pyramids (A) are in line with
north but as you can see the (C) and (B) complex is straying to the
east. The reason for the misalignment of pyramids was due to time and
the Precession of the Equinox, the tilt of the earth through its
26,000-year cycle. We are presently in the Piscean Age. This is
determined by locating the sun’s position in the zodiac at the exact
moment of the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. Every 72 years the sun “backs up”
approximately one (1) degree. An Astrological Age is the amount of time
it takes for the sun to move “backwards” throughout one astrological
sign or 72 years X 30 degrees = 2,160 years which is the length of an
astrological age. Three thousand years ago, on the Vernal Equinox the
sun was in the sign of Aries. This would put it in the great Egyptian
Empire days.
![]() |
was been known for years that the Mayan pyramids have older existing
ones below them. In fact there are as many as thirteen smaller pyramids
identified under the one at Blackman Eddy, in Belize. As noted by the
archaeologists; the pyramid was taken apart layer by layer, revealing
thirteen building phases. "As we dug through the layers of the pyramid,
we hit 800 B.C. and kept on going down to about 1100 B.C., where we were
finding settled agricultural peoples making sophisticated pottery,"
Below is a cross section of this pyramid.
![]() |
Unfortunately they don’t make mention of, or did not look for the
evidence, of why they might have to rebuild in the first place. If the
original pyramid was built to connect to the energy direction of choice
then the earth procession would change in 72 years so the angle would be
off. If it took 20 years (the period of reign) to build a larger pyramid
over the older one to adjust to the new angle then it would explain why
they built a new pyramid every 52 years. It would also coincide with
their calendar
because the connection with the Almanac year cycled back to its original
start every 52 solar years. Therefore, the dates on the Calendar Rounde
fixed with a never-ending cycle of 52 years. With this thought in mind I
would even question if modern researchers have misdiagnosed the Mayan
calendar as being a Mayan “Vastu Vidya compass” instead.
![]() M |
Due to alignment issues there was choice of just building a new pyramid.
This would explain why even the smaller cities would
need so many pyramids. The advantage
for a smaller community would be less building material and labor
required when just starting new. There would become a certain size that
building over the old pyramid would be just too extensive to be worth
It should also be noted that pyramid ages could be calculated by their
angle, in correspondence with the 26,000-year precession.
For more reading on this subject I have some pieces from my old website that can be downloaded as a PDF file. I did this work many years ago and like everything in life I have learnt a lot since that time. Essence Site PDF of a 137 pages.
When it comes to these power points on the earth’s surface I will not
show what can be accomplished or what angles are the most productive or
powerful. This is because in the wrong hands some could take advantage
of this power and use it over others. Another reason is that this
information is very specific to individuals and their levels of
awareness. A person may think they are working in a sacred site for a
certain corporeal desire without realizing that their higher aspects
have another agenda at heart. This can lead to confusion or the
conclusion, from an intellectual level, creating disappointment that one
does not see the results that were expected. There are also times that
energetic results can be so subtle that association to the site is not
recognized. This is because the connection and the follow up work was
accomplished from higher vibratory levels, and more than likely having
their effects many days after the visit to the site.