
Schematic of Sites The Time Shaman Stone Circles Modern Mythology

The Tree of Life

Mayan Tree of Life


The picture to the left shows a double spiral and is from the historical Selden Codex which is Mixtec in origin. The image shows the mythological "birth of humanity" with a person emerging from "The Sacred Tree". The tree in this example is portrayed as two snakes spiraling in opposite directions. The tree of life to the right is the oldest known Maya mural, discovered in 2001 at the ancient Maya city of San Bartolo in the lowlands of northeastern Guatemala. In this painting the tree has not evolved yet into the snake iconicity of what is being represented.  

The sacred tree to the Maya, Aztec, and other Indigenous cultures of the American continent represents the divine connection of the upper and lower worlds with the physical life forms of the middle or our world. In this left picture the tree that gives birth to a male entity of stars (Two Grass) is a tree with a cloud serpent and a star serpent wrapped around it. Next to it are different birth images of plants, rivers, raptor birds and jeweled eyed birds. In past cultures snakes have been represented by their shape alone as energy spirals that have been witnessed at sacred sites. According to the Mayan shaman, Hunbatz Men, the snake also represents the conceptual duality of their native language and culture. He says that the two snakes in this above picture represents positive and negative energy, Can and Nac.

The man that is being birthed at the top of the "tree" extends two hands with finger jesters that translate to: extended index finger means to take or tlatlanrhuia, the other hand with fingers extended means to give or tlancuhtia. So at this point it is not a birth per se, but translates as an accession. The man is not only giving himself to God but is also receiving this energy. The hands on the snakes represent the hands of God or the presence of God.

To the left are typical conical shaped spirals with energy flowing in one direction only (photo from 1940). If this energy is being exchanged as energy flowing "in" as well as "out" on the same spot, then you get a pattern that is in the picture to the right. In photo; "A" is upward flow and "B" is downward flow, on the same spot, enhanced on right side to show inner structure.

At ancient sites in old England the energy was witnessed as wispy spiraling snakes (serpents) or dragons or icons of the devil. This is the origin of Ley Lines being called "dragon lines" which then became known as "Saint Michael's Lines". At that point in English history and the megalith sites of England, the church perceived the energy at the megalith sites as evil (not understandable). So the destruction of some of the sites led to the phrase of Saint Michael the Dragon Destroyer.

Spirit energy

Photo taken at Aldergrove BC. Canada

Spiral energy  

The energy that has been observed connecting to people has been described as wispy thin lines radiating from above to a person's crown chakras. In the Codex Rios, now in the Vatican, a text in Italian reads, "when the devil becomes visible to them they cannot see all of him, but only the claw of an eagle." Of course the "devil" being referred to in this commentary was the god of the Aztecs. The claw was all they could see because these are the lines of energy that are being observed.

Tree of life Crocket Tree Saskatchewan

 The Tree of Life could have been influenced by the effect a vortex energy has on trees that grow within its spiralling energy.  Left Bannock point, center Tie Creek Site, right Crooked Bush, Saskatchewan.

Lakehead Cairn Circle

The late Ian Honeywood’s dowsing diagrams of a British ancient site.

Vortex Cones

Tilt the Vortex and you get two opposite energy circles, at the surface contacts.

For more on Votrex Energy



Tree of Life

Over time the Mayan tree became very stylized and ornate with new religious icons being added.