Schematic of Sites | Home | The Time Shaman | Stone Circles | Modern Mythology |
Modern MythologyIt’s easier to fool people….. Than to convince them they have been fooled. – Mark Twain The Mythology of Ancient Stone Alignments |
What is the purpose of this site? To reclaim the original understandings of the shamans that designed and built the ancient sacred sites.
This page is a condensed understanding of how the ancient shamans used and designed the sacred sites of the world. Not one bit of the material came from my intellect or imagination. It is all from the ancient ones themselves. The information was retrieved from journeys into the nonphysical realms using shamanic methods. These timeless methods are the same ones that the ancients used. For those that are not familiar with OBEs and Remote Viewing you have two choices. The first is to keep an open mind and look at the information. The other is to join the closed mind of speculative science.
Most ancient sites show no or very little celestial alignments. The truth is one can usually fudge some kind of celestial alignment out of any random set of objects, regardless of what the original intent was. This objective focus of aligning to stars and other objects gave birth to the modern mythology of Astroarcheology or Archaeoastronomy. |
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The truth: (a little bit of venting) Let me put it another way, at the risk of a certain cognitive dissonance amongst academic researchers; almost all the ancient geoglyphs were not created by ancient scientists trying to decipher the universe. In actuality they were recognized in the past as shamans or shamanic groups. Every culture around the world, including European cultures, supported and used shamans as their innovators, healers, and mystics in general. In the case of geoglyphs they were utilizing physical structure to connect to energetic aspects that are not recognized in our modern culture. The biggest problem for modern researchers is that the creators of these ancient rock formations did not leave many clues. This was because they were never intended to be part of a public’s understanding, then or now! This has always been the profile of the secret shamanic world and it goes back tens of thousands of years. It is interesting to watch academia try to decipher something that is completely outside of their realm. To them all the ancient sites were created for astronomical observations (that’s why they refer to them as observatories) by early astronomers (just like them). I find it interesting how academia wants to take ownership of something that they know nothing about. Unfortunately the purpose behind these sites are quickly eroding further into time because these ancient sites are being whitewashed and filtered through modern belief systems. Why is it being done? Simple; for them it is a convenient way to explain away the unexplainable. Adding to the problem, the majority of people want simple explanations, the magazine article size of explanation. These sites were developed through thousands of years of research by ancient shamans. They are not simple and have a complexity that is unheard of in this modern time period. The explanation is given in this website (a condensed 206 pages in print, as told by the ancient ones themselves) but the majority of people want a quick and easy explanation (link at bottom of page). This has been confirmed for me by simply watching the traffic hits on the different pages of this website. The reminder for me is that this information was only given for the serious investigator, typically modern shamans. |
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![]() Tie Creek Manitoba, Canada |
These are not camp sites, kill sites, or initially a burial site, but they are spiritual sites. For the general public the word spiritual draws an immediate association to religion. Shamanism is not a religion it is a method of connecting personally to spiritual levels (the nonphysical). Although shamans can get together to share experiences it is still an individual experience and understanding. In a shamanic journey the experiences into nonlocal realities can reach to the highest levels human consciousness is capable of. Petroforms, geoglyphs, or pictographs are all experiential creations from contact with these nonphysical realities. Interpreting them without these experiences will always be a misinterpretation. (For some examples of this see the link at the bottom of the page called “Interpretive Misconceptions of Deciphering Petroglyphs pdf"). As you read on and view the photos of these Petroforms or Geoglyphs remember these sites were for shamanic purposes only. |
![]() Majorville Site |
The majority of sacred sites around the world which include Stonehenge, Giza Pyramids, Tiahuanaco, Teotihuacan, Coba, Tie Creek, Newark Earth Works, New grange, Nazca Lines, and so on are all a result of shamanic indoctrinations from evolved nonphysical forms of learning. The sites were shamanic tools, tools that could be modified, and typically were over time by successive shamans with different needs. In the diagram below I show an ancient shamanic Petroform or boulder mosaic from Manitoba’s Whiteshell Provincial Park. Archaeologist working with the Whiteshell Petroforms noticed decades ago that most of them align to 51 degrees (as seen in the examples below). |
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This angle is repeated at many sites around the world as angles also fall within a range of associate degrees. The most common ranges are: 51 – 54 degrees, 120 – 135 degrees, and 12 – 15 energy. These angles are common regardless of position around the planet. Their individual purposes are unique to the angles but they can range in slight differences (within the "octave" range) due to time and Earth's position in the Universal Structure. There are also very specific individual angles that fall outside of the common ranges. I will deal with these angles at another time for they represent more complex concepts. |
![]() ![]() As you can see both sites above have been modified and partially destroyed by many years of different usages, and modern disrespect. In fact if you take the partially destroyed site of Majorville and use the left side of it, mirroring over the right side, one gets to see a more complete and typical pattern for a site, see below. |
![]() The famous Alberta site of Majorville sums it up the best as far as having all the important angles. Below is an Archaeological diagram of the site. ![]() In the diagrams above the you can see Stonehenge and the Great Octagon of Ohio are both pointing to 53.5 degrees, yet they are on different continents. |
Establishing north was the first step. This is where celestial objects came into play. Of course other celestial objects also came in handy for pinpointing certain energy angles that were desired. Below is the basic pattern that was used.
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Having the knowledge to connect to the proper elements was not as easy as we think today. Without compasses and charts the ancients would first have needed to find north, and this would give them all the other angles needed. They did this by first |
![]() Bannock Point, Manitoba Petroform (I am not be certain if this was its original location or it was moved to this location for tourist’s convenience.)
![]() It is important to remember the angles at not necessarily on a two dimensional plane, but rather a 360 degrees sphere shape as in the nonphysical realms the energy lines extend downward into the earth. ![]() |
![]() Clach Mhic Leoia and Boscowen Un The angles in three-dimensional trajectories are also important and work in conjunction with more advanced understanding. The standing stones above (call Menhirs) are at angles that are not coincidental, any more than the side angles of the Giza pyramids. These Menhirs stones are not leaning from time, they have been placed into these angles and supported by underling rocks. When looking at sites it is important to measure all angles, but be aware that some stones have tilted over time while others were propped up in specific angles. ![]() Dowsing diagram of Boscowan Un by the late Ian Honeywood showing the energy lines and a central spiral. The spiral is an incomplete sphere. The best way to research a site is by dowsing it. Anybody can learn how to dowse. As in this diagram, if the center stone or your spiral is off center understand you are looking at an energy spiral that is coming in, or going out, on an angle to the ground level. For more on Dowsing instructions see below (What’s needed:) ![]() Boscowan Un notice the center Menhir pointing with the energy spiral. ![]() Circles and steps at sites mark out the energy “cross sections” of the spiralling energy that is found at all sites, regardless if it is detected or not.
![]() Bryn Cader Faner |
![]() This is a great site to see a more complete pattern that was not disturbed too much prior to 1971. In it one sees most of the important angles of energy connections that the shamans used. ![]() Beaver Island Stone circle with overlaid survey Beware of Celestial Alignment Diagrams The above diagram is a classic example of how one finds celestial alignments in a “random” set of rock mosaics. The red dots show the rock patterns of the Beaver Island site, outlined from the original 1971 diagram (refer to diagram above this one). The overlay diagram of white lines and green dots are from a university’s survey of the site. In this composite of 2 diagrams (to scale) the university’s objective appears to have been reached before arriving at the site. They are trying to match anything from the site to pre-established beliefs about these formations. One can clearly see how main integral rocks have been left out, as they did not support the theory. I personally think these researchers can do whatever feels comfortable, but I do object to misleading the public for the sake of trying to fill in the knowledge gaps. As you can see; if there is nothing in the rock mosaic to use all one has to do is go outside of it and find other rocks, mountains, valleys, and so on to further prove ones theory (green arrow).
What the alignments actually mean to a shaman working with universal energy connections. The blue lines marking stones are variants that are more than likely due to precession of the equinox. For understand of the term see: Dorajuadoik |
If you are wondering why future and past are found in opposite time directions on the same side of the sphere it is because of the flow pattern. All energy spheres are composed of 8 inner spheres. These 8 spheres all rotate independently and in their own directions. All 8 contribute to the whole (main sphere) with their flow, dictating the flow directions of the outer shell of this main sphere. These inner spheres are also on a different dimensional level. For more on this subject see: The Schematic of Time and Ancient Sites |
![]() Called the "8 Pack", it carries on inward as each inner sphere is composed of its own 8 spheres.
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![]() Tregaseal East Stone Circle – Cornwall, England. On a different continent and yet the patters are there. ![]() Tregaseal East Stone Circle – Cornwall, England |
![]() For more information on energy angles see: "Shrines and Caches, and Medicine Bags" |
Three Worlds – Three Directions to the Multi Dimensions Despite the differences between shamanic societies and time periods when you eliminate the cultural variables there seems to be a general consensus among shamans that there are three levels of reality, called worlds (actually each has many levels inside them, including the physical world, but that is for another day). From the basic to the most advanced shamans they see three levels and as you can imagine it is a generalization to keep things simple. The lower level is the essence source power for the physical which occupies the middle world level (the experience level we call reality) while the upper is the source of modern human consciousness including less dense semi physical levels that are grouped into and include the sky, stars, and our sun. |
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All three levels are connected by an axis or Axis Mundi usually represented symbolically as the tree with its roots in the lower world for physical support and the branches in the upper world reaching to the ethers. The Tree of Life is known symbolically too many cultures including the Mayan with their Wakah-Chan tree and the Jewish as the Kabala. Different cultures also used different symbols for the tree; ladders, zigzag lines, tent poles, cosmic mountains, bridges, smoke columns, rainbows, rivers, and so on but all are referring to the connective tube of energy at the center of the three levels. The truth is they are all right for there is a central energy axis that is also the core of our universe. Modern science understands it as Universal Anisotropy, which has an angle of 19.5 degrees. This angle is somewhat incorporated into many ancient sites that worked in those energies but due to our present Earth progression it has shifted and has not been recognized yet. |
![]() Anisotropic Angle of the Universe |
What is the Anisotropic Angle
The Universe has an Axis, a discovery made in 1997 by Professors Borge Nodland and John P. Ralston, means that the Cosmos is rotating around the black hole at the center of the universe, and that all galaxies and their black holes or axes rotate around a common centre.
How is it possible that the ancient shamans knew this aspect of the universe? Simple; as a practicing shaman one knows there are no limits to what can be sourced out. You only need the desire and the vibrational level of a particular source to download that level's information. A practicing shaman knows that everything is available and that connecting to universal knowledge is not that difficult. From the Mayans and their calendar to the healing properties of plants the shamanic process can connect any person to unlimited knowledge. For more on this topic see page 164 in the free pdf book "The Schematic of Time and Ancients sites". The angle of 19.5 – 15.5 degrees seen in the alignment of Teotihuacan is explained by the varying tilt of the earth axis over time.
![]() How to produce a sine wave from a spiral, just tilt it. ![]() ![]() |
Ohio Serpent Mound at the top with a dowsing diagram by James Conley.
The wavy part of the mound is the outline of the part or slice of the spiral that
is exposed to the surface of the land. The spiral mound on the left side
of the mound is the representation and a reminder of what is being
observed. There is nothing special about Serpent Mound’s shape if you
are a shaman. The colored photo below this shows the same
understanding. It is from Bates Wells,
Sonora Desert, Arizona. |
Common sense would tell a person that in ancient days the only icons in
their world would be those of the natural world. This would be a world
of plants, terrain, and animal life. In those days if you saw spiralling
energy how would you describe it? The snake is a perfect icon for
spiralling energy. Shamans can see and feel this energy as its all
around us. It comes into our reality in different sizes and angles, but
it will always be in relationship to other energy structures. You do not
need aliens or star constellations, just awareness that there is more
around us, than what or eyes tells us.
This is James Conley’s description of the dowsing at Serpent Mound: “On July 25, 1998, Shakura, Bob and I journeyed to Serpent Mound, located in Adams County, Ohio. All of the previous mounds where we had dowsed were conical mounds that displayed a similar pattern of energy. Since this was the first effigy mound that we were going to dowse, I had no idea what to expect. We started at the tail, which was coiled into a tight circle, and all of us found a radial pattern focused at the center of the circle, similar to the energy pattern at the conical-shaped mounds. I counted 59 lines, all spreading out from the tip of the tail. As we proceeded along the curves that represented the body of the serpent, we started detecting lines that were perpendicular to the serpent's spine, similar to the shape of a ribcage. I counted about one line for every other step that I took. We also found a line running along the top of the curves that corresponded to the center of the serpent's spine. The other end of the effigy has an oval shaped mound. At this end, we located another radial pattern. I counted 72 lines as I walked around it. In the museum, there was a display of a serpent's skeleton arranged in the shape of the mound. I was amazed to see the similarities between the energy map I had just drawn and the skeletal structure of the serpent. Other than the radial symmetry at the head and the tail, the energy map and the skeletal structure looked identical.” - ![]() |
![]() Orion and the Giza pyramids |
If celestial alignments do not work out …..all you need to do is place them upside down to fit your theory, but it does bring up the question; If the pyramid builders were so focused on Orion why go through all the trouble not to duplicate them in their proper alignment? |
What’s needed: I would be very grateful if interested people could supply accurate overhead photos of any ancient sites (a balloon camera or personal drone would be perfect with a true north marker on the ground). Even more important is a dowsing diagram of the energy lines at the site. Everyone can do dowsing, the hardest part is letting go and trusting yourself. For more information on this see: Dowsing and How to Research an Ancient Sacred Sites Dowsing ancient sites will show what people were focused on, the directions of attention and action that were taking place at the time. Always remember that these sites were used by many different people with slightly different or completely different cultural focuses and levels of consciousness. So the important thing to keep in mind when dowsing ancient sites is to start with the proper questions for the dowsing rods. If you just ask for the energy lines you will end up with a complete array of energies, modern, past, and everything in between. Asking for the original purpose and energy focuses for the site will give a more accurate picture of the original design and usages. |
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Shamans are individuals that will usually maintain a close but somewhat separate association with their immediate culture. Advanced shamanic groups will originally create larger sites. As time goes on others adopt the site for their needs. The further from the original designers (time wise) typically means the site has been redesigned for new concepts and needs, as seen in burials being placed in the site. This is a common mistake by researchers. They associate the results (archeologically speaking) to what is left over, which might only mean a couple hundred years separation (out of the range of most testing). This is usually the more “modern” or physical aspects of the site. What happens is the whole site becomes whitewashed into the belief system of the last owners. This is not just occurring at sacred sites as whole cities and cultures are branded by the last desperate people that occupy the site. This includes their “sacrificing” and destructive natures. It is disappointing to see some prehistory researchers not comparing what has taken place in recent times (eg. The last century of wars in Europe). The typical site has thousands of years of different people`s energies. Most would have been focused on their personal needs and desires. To eliminate these other added energies one must focus and ask specifically for the original designer’s focus or transmissions for the site. The right questions are as important as the work itself, as it will determine the outcome of your research regardless of method incorporated. Remember to focus on the purpose of your inquiry but also to disengage as much as possible from your own perceptions or understandings of the site. That is the hardest part and the one part that gives the most inaccuracies. |
Something to Consider The World Grid lines by Becker-Hagen's show were to look but do not think that they are accurate in relationship to time. The grids move position over time so what may fit to one set of sacred sites may not fit to others a thousand years apart. For more of this subject see: “World Grid ”. I spend an afternoon on the web to show what can be done from home on the subject. I started with the Beaver Island Site in Michigan and worked my way outward compiling some sites that fit on the Becker-Hagens Grid. The “Donut” Mounds of Forest Lake Stone Rings in Central Upper Peninsula of Michigan are very intriguing and fill in an important gap in the map. This site needs exploration on all levels. Images Compiled by Judy M Johnson AAPS-Ancient Artifact Preservation Society The “Donut” Mounds of Forest Lake |
![]() Forest Lake Stone Circles ![]() |
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The Michigan Stonehenge is another interesting site. The Michigan Stonehenge is another interesting site. I don’t know the exact location but with an age of 10,000 years, could it have been on the grid line of that time period? ![]() The World Grid as per Becker-Hagens ![]() ![]() ![]() Click on images for larger view ![]() All the grid map images above are from the Becker-Hagens Grid - placed here to support any research in this direction. A Must Read! They’re Alive! Megalithic Sites Are More than Just Stone - See more: |
The Schematic of Time and Ancient Sites Interpretive Misconceptions of Deciphering Petroglyphs PDF The Recorded Birth of Spiritual Awareness, in Petroglyphs The World Grid Earth Vortexes The Time Shaman Carahunge - Zoratus Karer, Armenia Ian Honeywood - Dowser Free Shamanic Music and eBook Downloads from Talking Drum Home Site Map Beaver Island Site Bill Dayholos © © |