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The Carahunge Stones |
![]() Carahunge - Zoratus Karer, Armenia |
Carahunge or Zorats Karer, like most ancient sites shows no or very little celestial alignments. That includes the 84 stones with holes in them; some say 2 or 3 have a possible celestial alignments, others say 17 stones, out of the total of 223 stones. (However, this must remain conjectural as the holes are relatively un-weathered and may not even be prehistoric in origin, see bottom of page for more **). The truth is one can usually fudge some kind of alignment out of any random set of objects, regardless of what the original intent was. This objective focus gave birth to the “science” of Astroarcheology or Archaeoastronomy. |
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The truth: (a little bit of venting) Let me put it another way, at the risk of a certain cognitive dissonance amongst academic researchers; almost all the ancient geoglyphs were not created by ancient scientists trying to decipher the universe. In actuality they were recognized in the past as shamans or shamanic groups. Every culture around the world, including European cultures, supported and used shamans as their innovators, healers, and mystics in general. In the case of geoglyphs they were utilizing physical structure to connect to energetic aspects that are not recognized in our modern culture. The biggest problem for modern researchers is that the creators of these ancient rock formations did not leave many clues. This was because they were never intended to be part of a public’s understanding, then or now! This has always been the profile of the secret shamanic world and it goes back tens of thousands of years. |
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It is interesting to watch academia try to decipher something that is completely outside of their realm. To them all the ancient sites were created for astronomical observations (that’s why they refer to them as observatories) by early astronomers (just like them). I find it interesting how academia wants to take ownership of something that they know nothing about. Unfortunately the purpose behind these sites are quickly eroding further into time because these ancient sites are being whitewashed and filtered through modern belief systems. Why is it being done? Simple; for them it is a convenient way to explain away the unexplainable. Adding to the problem the majority of people want simple explanations, the magazine article size of explanation. These sites were developed through thousands of years of research by ancient shamans. They are not simple and have a complexity that is unheard of in this modern time period. The explanation is given in this website (a condensed 206 pages in print, as told by the ancient ones themselves) but the majority of people want a quick and easy explanation (link at bottom of page). This has been confirmed for me by simply watching the traffic hits on the different pages of this website. The reminder for me is that this information was only given for the serious investigator, typically modern shamans. The truth is if one is not a practicing shaman there is absolutely no way to understand the complicated unperceived realities that shamans dwell in. Studying these rock formations on any academic level will never bring one closer to the truth, as one has to work within these unperceived realities to truly understand. This is not something that can be taught in a classroom as it has to be experienced. This experience is an individual accomplishment and not something that can be translated from others, as it typically involves multilevel multidimensional “downloads”. When shamans get together in an organized group to create formations like Carahunge they are sharing personal knowledge with others that understand the secret language of the shamanic world. For more information of this see: The Time Shaman |
![]() The Carahunge Monument- Zorats Karer ![]() ![]() |
Don’t think for a second that the Carahunge is just ancient site. This is not a camp site, kill site, or initially a burial site, but it is a spiritual site. For the general public the word spiritual draws an immediate association to religion. Shamanism is not a religion it is a method of connecting personally to spiritual levels (the nonphysical). Although shamans can get together to share experiences it is still an individual experience and understanding. In a shamanic journey the experiences into nonlocal realities can reach to the highest levels human consciousness is capable of. Petroforms, geoglyphs, or pictographs are all experiential creations from contact with these nonphysical realities. Interpreting them without these experiences will always be a misinterpretation. (For some examples of this see the link at the bottom of the page called “Interpretive Misconceptions of Deciphering Petroglyphs”.) As you read on and view the photos of these Petroforms or Geoglyphs remember these sites were for shamanic purposes only. As far as I can determine at this time this site has not been studied or researched yet. Sure there have been people who have visited the site, made superficial diagrams and some notes but there is nothing useable for a proper translation. As you can see below the web supplied diagrams are not accurate and offer little in useful information in determining what energy was being utilized at this site. To understand the original shamanic purpose for the site one needs a proper accurate diagram, with true north shown. From this I can determine the points of interest they had with their alignments and what aspects of universal creation they were focused on. These alignments are outlined in prior articles in (The Schematic of Time and Ancient Sites and
"deep into it page 13") and are not typically for celestial focuses, unless the celestial object is used as a marker for the energetic angle. Celestial objects are used at these sites sometimes as “waypoint” to determine direction and angles of the Universal Anisotropic Angle. I have includes some photos with web diagrams to prove my point. The inaccurate shape and alignments given in the web diagrams are compared to overhead photos from Google Map. There are too many discrepancies in what researchers have given to the public to draw any concrete conclusions. |
![]() Red dots outline the rock from Google Maps as compared to the perfect diagram drawn by others Map of Carahunge circle:
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What’s needed: I would be very grateful if someone could supply accurate overhead photos (a balloon camera or personal drone would be perfect with a true north marker on the ground ). Even more important is a dowsing diagram of the energy lines at the site. Everyone can do dowsing, the hardest part is letting go and trusting yourself. For more information on this see: Dowsing http://www.thelamplight.ca/schematicgod/dowsing.htm How to Research an Ancient Sacred Sites: Researching Ancient Sacred Sites Dowsing ancient sites will show what people were focused on, the directions of attention and action that were taking place at the time. Always remember that these sites were used by many different people with slightly different or completely different cultural focuses and levels of consciousness. So the important thing to keep in mind when dowsing ancient sites is to start with the proper questions for the dowsing rods. If you just ask for the energy lines you will end up with a complete array of energies, modern, past, and everything in between. Asking for the original purpose and energy focuses for the site will give a more accurate picture of the original design and usages. |
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Shamans are individuals that will usually maintain a close but somewhat separate association with their immediate culture. More advanced shamans will originally create large sites like Carahunge. As time goes on others adopt the site for their needs. The further from the original designers (time wise) typically means the site has been redesigned for new concepts and needs, as seen in burials being placed in the site. This is a common mistake by researchers. They associate the end results (archeologically speaking) to what is left over. This is usually the more modern or physical aspects of the site. What happens is the whole site becomes whitewashed into the belief system of the last owners. This is not just occurring at sacred sites as whole cities and cultures are branded by the last desperate people that occupy the site. This includes their “sacrificing” and destructive natures. It is disappointing to see some prehistory researchers not comparing what has taken place in recent times (eg. The last century of wars in Europe). This site has thousands of years of different people`s energies. Most would have been focused on their personal needs and desires. To eliminate these other added energies one must focus and ask specifically for the original designer’s focus or transmissions for the site. The right questions are as important as the work itself, as it will determine the outcome of your research regardless of method incorporated. Remember to focus on the purpose of your inquiry but also to disengage as much as possible from your own perceptions or understandings of the site. That is the hardest part and the one part that gives the most inaccuracies. If you are local person you have lots of time to practice. If you are visiting the site take your time as you will have only one shot at it. Anyone interested in working with me on this and has visited the site it would help me if you could supply a small stone from the general area closest to the circle. Not a part of the site’s stones as I do not want any destruction to take place. I have worked with artifacts for years now and they have yielded most of the information on this website. A 1- 2 inch stone (3-5 cm) could yield a great deal of information, and then again it might not have anything to say. It’s all in the objects “experience” that determines the informational value, and my readiness to receive it. If could supply me with a piece I would mail it back on your request.
The So-called "Sun Dials" of Eastern Europe (Stone Circle Blueprints) ![]() The first step in the teaching; to demonstrate grid concepts, side #1. ![]() From there one needs to show the angles; within that grid that align to energetic focuses of interest, side #2.
Interestingly; the researches talk about a mobile gnomon, I can’t see how this apparatus would be very mobile. |
A unique stone slabs from burial tumulus found in 2011 in the north-west part of Donetsk region of Ukraine. In this burial #7 of tumulus 3 of the tumuli Popov-2 a stone slab was placed on the floor by members of the Srubna culture (3800 BP– 3200 BP). Grave mounds called kurgans (Slavic for tumulus) are a particular type of grave where a mound of dirt is heaped over a chamber. It occupied the area along and above the north shore of the Black Sea from the Dnieper eastwards along the northern base of the Caucasus to the area abutting the north shore of the Caspian Sea, west of the Ural Mountains to come up against the domain of the approximately contemporaneous and somewhat related Andronovo culture. On the surface of the plate, on both sides were engraved marks of lines and cupped depressions arranged in an oval. If it was a real sundial (as some speculate) there should be a hole drilled in the center for the Gnomon. This culture, like cultures thousands of years prior to this time period were more than capable of drilling a hole into the stone for such a peg; so as to cast a shadow across the cupped marks. |
![]() Both sides of the slab ![]() |
A Second Stone Slab![]() A second template from a Srubna burial of kurgan field Travriya – 1 (Rostov region, Russia). ![]() A Map of Limits |
Although this culture probably had a thousand years separating them from the initial understandings, they still showed that the basics were understood. This stone diagram appears to be more of a teaching schematic for the understandings as it outlines the limits (sections) of energetic profiles. Instead of showing just preferred angles of prominent energy strengths it shows the beginning and end angles of reality’s projectional sources. That’s why the cupped marks appear to be in groups instead of evenly spaced clock like characters.
Along with the groupings you can see some of the angles of interest to this shaman: 58 degrees marking off the limits on future creational flow, 120 degrees, the connectional angle to mammals and plants (spiritual connection for hunting and plant medicine) with 110 degrees being one of the edges of this connection. There is 15 degrees, the connection to higher spiritual aspects for oneself, in future creations and 340 degrees for past. Even the limits of the structural neutral zone are marked off with 80-100 degrees off the centered 90 degrees axis. |
A Combination of the Two![]() The combination of the two “maps” (Donetsk and Rostov regions) showing a common and more complete understanding of the teachings.
Overlaying the two stone slab images shows the commonality of the two but at the same time demonstrating a more complete version, as each contributes its own information. The same teachings, but were simplified by placing them on 2 slabs and surfaces so as not to over complicate one slab. |
A Site Comparison n. ![]() Carahunge - Zoratus Karer, Armenia (in white) overlaid image (in red circles) of the Srubna burial of kurgan field Travriya – 1 (Rostov region, Russia). |
With less than half the distance of Bighorn Medicine wheel in Wyoming to Manitoba’s Tie Creek Petroforms is the distance separating these “sun dials” to the Armenian Carahunge Stone circle, which means it is conceivably part of the same understandings. It seems that distance in the ancient world was never an issue. With this in mind the knowledge seen in these Ukraine/ Russia “sun dials” can be demonstrated in the Armenian Carahunge Stone circle, just a few hundred miles away. The knowledge was global and within a very short time period. The Carahunge Stone Circle is one the oldest if not the oldest stone circle in the world. Knowledge gained here would have spread across the land and in a thousand years or more would have likely lost some of its completeness. Interpretations and needs of different shamans would have altered the primary template, which explains the variants seen in the “sun dials”, as well as other sites. No one can give any explanation of how the stone circle knowledge spread across the planet in such a short time period. Obviously the ancient world was much more connected than we realize. It forces researchers into two possibilities; ancient people traveled from continent to continent or they used some other means of communication. Faced with the impossible distances needed to be traveled they simply remain silent. This is because the truth is the ancient shamanic societies had more abilities than our modern culture recognizes.
For more on this statement see: The Stone Council of Time and Council of Stone. |
** Archaeoastronomer Clive Ruggles wrote that 'Inevitably there have been other claims—more speculative and less supportable—relating to the astronomical significance of the site. One is that it can be astronomically dated to the sixth millennium BCE and direct comparisons with Stonehenge, which few now believe was an observatory, are less than helpful.'[7] A recent critical assessment found several problems with the archaeoastronomical interpretations of the site. The northeast avenue, which extends about 50 meters from the center, has been inconsistently associated with the summer solstice, the major northern lunistice, or the rising of Venus.[6] Harouni had postulated that in order to use the holes in the megaliths for astronomical observations sufficiently precise to determine the date of the solstices, it would have been necessary to restrict the field of vision by inserting a narrow tube in the existing perforations. Without these modifications, for which there is no archaeological evidence, the claimed astronomical significance of the orientations of the holes vanishes. As a consequence, González-Garcia concluded that the archaeoastronomical claims for the site are untenable, although further investigations to determine the astronomical potential of Carahunge and similar sites are merited |
A Must Read! They’re Alive! Megalithic Sites Are More than Just Stone - See more: Interpretive Misconceptions of Deciphering Petroglyphs Dowsing Ancient Sites The Whiteshell Sites HOME Site Map
Bill Dayholos ©
An interesting site: ![]()