I believe ancient shamanic groups not only discovered this but also understood the significance of it. This came about during their work at sacred sites (vortex areas). The main advantage in a vortex area is the timeless aspect of it. These spots have direct connections to multi dimensional aspects and shortcut the time required to witness the results. With this realization structures were built to harness and focus the energy much like a magnifying glass focuses light.

A quick explanation of how this works starts with the lattice’s null energy (static background) is balanced so close to zero that it could be said that it is at a zero energy state. Each individual harmonic cube/cell has a tremendous amount of power, but this power is balanced out by an opposite polarity cube/cell beside it. This balance of power between adjacent cells nulls out the apparent potential, so that it appears invisible to us. In all parts of the structure the balance is achieved from opposite flows of the same “strength”. Therefore, the energy appears to be zero. It's when the lattice is deliberately unbalanced that you really get to see the power. It takes very little to unbalance the null or balance to produce a tremendous amount of free energy. These opposite energy "attributes" that create the null are polarized energies. They are almost mirror images of one another, and they together create a quiet zero null. This is part of the balance of the universe and is everywhere including here on Earth. To release this background energy from the lattice one needs to manipulating plasma with magnetics. I will show more of this in the future. 

As cultures shifted (see Page 2 on Olmecs) and the importance of the sites became neglected. People only remembered the “ritual positions” and recorded them in sculptures and paintings with the focus being on the body’s position and not its position within the relevance to the Universal Structure. Fragments of this can still be seen in religions of the world where people are taught to face a certain direction to pray.  

For more on this subject see (Page Cache) on this website. Also a good read in some ancient body positions see; Ecstatic Body Positions by Belinda Gore ISBN 1-879181-22-3.

To the right: Infra-red images of Milky Way

Patch reality is the same as a physical galactic creation. The difference is the realities overlap the galaxies with their shells and ribbon energies, all this within the electromagnetic patch structure of the 45-degree axis. 

Chandra X-ray Observatory.

Chandra X-ray Observatory

Photo from the Chandra X-ray Observatory

I am trying not to get carried away with all the many individual aspects involved here but positions, directions (angles) and so on are still under the direction of consciousness, regardless of the awareness level of a person. All mudras, yogic positions, dance, and so on are never at their best without desire and conscious intent. Intuitively many just know what direction needs facing, but as an example, in a yoga class, the room and teacher usually dictate the direction for the students. The work is still being accomplished as the energy always flows. It is the effectiveness and strength in time-framed experience that  suffers (more on this later in the Time Chapters).

The diagrams above and below are the basics to how consciousness connects directly to time cycles of creation. Consciousness has no limits and thus when dealing with what angle will produce the best and quickness (time/space) results it is accessed automatically as we would not exist very long without this connection. At this level all desires in the present time match up by their appropriate positions in the structure. It is the position in one’s sphere that is as relevant as the position of the sphere itself in the overall structure. Past, future, and present all become relevant to where the perception of consciousness is focused or drawing its energy from. 

Schematic of conscious time

We cannot exist without the 50 – 55 degree angle of supportive energy. We also cannot maintain this existence without past and future angles as anchors in our reality. – more in the Time chapters

Ratcheting spheres and octahedrons, viewed from above.

Nazca La Estrela

La Estrella formation, part of the Nazca Lines of Peru. Created by a very advanced group of shamans. I was told that the oldest and most advanced shamanic groups working in the Nazca Line area (and other areas around the world) were the creators of the geometric designs. The animal designs we see today are much more modern in construction, as structural knowledge was lost by then.


Nazca Lines

Nazca Lines, the oldest are the collectors in geometric form with animal symbolism being added by latter shamans. The one on the top right is the same intent as Tie Creek, a dimensional portal. 

In ones physical reality the present becomes cemented into existence, as it reflects on the physical patch in which it resides. Consciousness does not reside in the physical and thus comes under the influence of the larger sphere structures of the nonphysical. So creating in the physical comes under this energetic flow to maintain its level. Creating with consciousness into the past or future is a connection to the larger sphere of one’s patch, as seen in the diagram below.  


Creating in the physical are the connections within and outward to the energies that form the reality patch. Connecting to ones power in the present physical would then be a connection to approximately 50 - 54 degrees. Connection to realities outside ones patch would be connecting to different angles that borders or exits our patch’s angular structure. An example of this would be the 130-degree patch (130 – 160). This reality connects to the elemental worlds and down into the deepest levels (Dorajuadoik level) as one approaches the axis of 180 degrees.  

Time cycles

The energy is spiralling so angles continue to have relevance, no matter what dimension they are in and which of the 8 45-degree position occupied in the cube.


We connect to the angles of support to maintain out physical bodies and all its movements. The physical expression is maintained by the patch geometric energies, while consciousness is orientated toward the greater sphere level. Conscious or spiritual energy is achieved through all the 360 degree sphere angles, but human present time requires most of its energy via the 50 – 55 degree spiral angle of the patch.

Time projection

View from inside the Reality Patch

realityPreceptional shift

Patch cycle crossovers and mixing perceptional states between the two..

Patch cycle crossovers.

Bougon Gavrinis, France

Bougon Gavrinis, France
Time Tunnel

I was told that the Egg nebula is a true time tunnel or patch core. On the right is its position the patch.

A little off topic for this book but interesting is a schematic of the human body’s patch levels. The left diagram levels are based on the Munro Institute’s dimensional scale. This scale is divided into physical levels up to nonphysical (Soul Group).



Perception Angles and Time


One of the most important aspect of sacred sites are their ability to transcend time and space. The “veils” of time and space in these special areas are very thin because geometries are compacted very close together. This chapter is a brief look at what is going on and how it fits into the Universal Structure and ancient sites. This is important if you are designing a site as it needs these specific connections. As you know the spheres are a composite of moving energies and flow patterns are created by the structure itself. As described in the earlier chapters the axis and horizontal flows divide the sphere into its pattern of flow. On the outer perimeters of a sphere this flow becomes a multi-shelled flow of opposite helixes (known as strings) which position themselves as ribbons, but in separate layers. When I Remote Viewed this surface structure it reminded me of a ball of twine with one string beside another, wrapping the surface in pattern to maintain the ball’s integrity.  



In the above picture I show a simplified version of these sphere strings. (Remember the sphere is divided into 6 areas of main energy flows, so these examples do not show the portals of 0 – 180 and the 90s.  Although the inner patch system appears isolated the energy of the main sphere will influence the inner patch system and inner 8 pack of smaller spheres. This influence is felt in the physical patch as time. The cycles of time are the periods that energy needs to cycle around the sphere itself and as said prior; the outer shell has many layers, and each will have their own cycle.  

As the spheres ratchet down into the next layer of spheres these shells of strings come into contact with their “peer” strings on the bottom spheres. I have been told that time is measured along these outer flowing shell levels. As the outer aspects of strings from one sphere cross the adjacent sphere’s strings a difference in harmonics creates a “comparison interaction”, (that is measurable from the last crossing cycle). This interaction is felt again (in comparison) after the individual string completes its cycle around the sphere. Each time a cycle is completed the crossing of strings create a shift that is referred to as a “fork in the road”, of time (see diagram below). Following the red dot (#1 in section “A”), it travels (duration time) until it confronts a new shell edge. The harmonic crossing of the shell string’s interference creates a shift in the path, and this results in a new route or string path.

We witness these cycles throughout our lives, that is as long as we aware enough and spiritually growing. Human lifetimes are a composition of one fork after another, and all in a cyclic fashion. These cycles are at different rates and on different levels from larger cycles being one to seven years and smaller daily ones only a few hours long. Some are seamless and go unnoticed with others are very loud.

time forks 


The energy must travel through its course as it completes a cycle around sphere’s circumference (shown above with the red and blue lines “B”). These energy strings are also “time strings” of consciousness that end after the cycle is finished. They end as the string flow shifts into the next harmonic stage (a string beside them, in the ribbon “C”). Each string in a ribbon is adjacent to one that is lower or higher in vibrational rate and continues in this harmonic scale throughout the ribbon.

This could be compared to how a train shifts onto another track. The new cycle, of the same energy movement, now travels around and through the sphere to complete its cycle (sphere #1, 2, 3 in “C” above). This new cycle will be a different vibratory level than the prior one. It could be higher or lower in vibration, all depending of the direction taken within the main structure. This system works on all levels of consciousness and its creations including our lives, past and present. To rewind this path and go back into one’s lifetime would be impossible, for journeying back into the string’s path would or could switch you into a new past reality. This could even be a past reality you never lived, but it is within you capacity, and thus part of you. If this was outside your present awareness lifetime you would never know if you did live it, or whether it was even a probability in your couscous level, at that time. Going back in time would be a generality and would be more accurate viewed from larger earth cycles. These switches in time are known as a “Forks in the Road”.

forks in time    Time cycles


You can see how this journey would be a stretch, for this reality is based on others that are here with you now and with their realities (their journeys) linked to your present experience. Going back into earth’s history would be going back into other’s co-creations, but at what level and with which ones. To go back into earth’s past would be an adventure into different spiritual sources and their levels. This would be equivalent to entering any unknown reality anywhere!



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